Chapter Twenty Five

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Authors Note:

Chapter 1 of 2 in a double update, hope you enjoy!


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The rest of the day seemed to drag on and on. He could hardly focus in class, just barely managing to pay attention and not alert Mr, Baker to his current dilemma.

He was supposed to meet with Prince Aiden after this class. It had been a few hours since they last met in the office and Sora couldn't stop thinking up every worst outcome to this evening.

It was nerve wracking enough to be around the prince for a short amount of time, but now he had agreed to at least an hour with him. Furthermore, the prince was supposed to be helping him study.

What if he made a fool of himself by getting all the answers wrong? Or what if the prince was just playing a joke on him and he doesn't actually want to help? What if they're seen together and he gets in trouble for spending time with the prince?

He had heard King Mallory was very particular about who his son spends time with, not only that but he also forbid anyone that isn't a noble from romancing him, what if someone thinks that's what he's doing?

He shuddered, trying to get the thoughts of every punishment he's had before out of his head. Surely a punishment from the king would be much worse than making food for a whole orphanage, or doing yard work in the dead of winter with shabby clothes, or even the times he was forced to bath in ice water.

Luckily, before his mind delved too deep into those thoughts the church bell rang, startling him enough that he jumped.

He quickly gathered up his things this time, choosing not to wait until everyone left like he usually would before he stood and made his way out of the room.

It was then one long walk through the busy corridors before he finally saw the large doors that lead into the courtyard.

He struggled to open them as usual but managed eventually.

walking out into the cold October air he glanced around for the prince, making sure to check that no one else was there and thankfully he was alone.

Since prince Aiden hadn't arrived yet he made his way to the bench tucked behind the trees, deciding to draw as he waited.

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"What are you drawing?"

A smooth baritone voice startled him out of his thoughts, he looked up quickly and made eye contact with the prince.

"I-I uh.. t-this is the c-church near my house."

"Oh, it looks incredible. You really have an eye for catching details."

The boy bit his lip and looked back down to the drawing, sure he had drawn every brick and wooden board individually but there actually wasn't much detail beyond that. He knew what wood and bricks looked like but when it came to seeing the little details in the stained glass- or even what the roof was made of- he was lost.

He couldn't get close enough to either one to see them properly so this drawing would never be finished.

"Uhm, t-thank you,
Y-Your Highness."

The prince smiled, almost absentmindedly as his eyes filtered over the drawing again.

It was silent for a few seconds until he decided to sit beside Sora, not close enough for the two to touch, but the boy still felt butterflies swarm his stomach.

"So, I know you have a test coming up?"

Sora nodded, tucking his notebook safely into his lap and turning to face the prince. Although he ended up mostly looking at the older boy's shoulders after awhile of trying to make eye contact and failing.

"U-Uhm, I have the study p-papers here."

He opened the notebook and pulled out the slip of paper Mr, Baker had provided. It was rather short for a test paper, but still double sided.

Aiden took it and began looking over the contents.

"Ah okay, so it's a riding tack test. Do you want me to read out the questions and you can give the answers then?"

"Y-Yeah, if you d-don't mind."


Sora wasn't sure how much time had passed since they started. Prince Aiden would read the question then wait for Sora's response, it was nerve wracking to study with the fear of getting something wrong in front of a prince at first. But eventually the boy had calmed down.

Whenever he did make a mistake Aiden would simply tell him the correct answer before they moved on to the next question, nothing more.

No teasing, no disappointment or trying to make him feel bad for getting something wrong. Sora found that he really enjoyed studying with him after all.

Getting to hear his smooth, deep voice saying all the fancy terminology made him feel some type of way. He had always been passionate about learning, having an attractive prince helping him learn was a fantasy he didn't know he had.

Unfortunately though, all good things must come to an end.

"And that's everything, do you want to go over it again?"

He opened his mouth to answer but warm smokey air blew against the back of his neck, startling him enough that he jumped.

They both looked behind them to be met with the face of a very amused dragon. The prince groaned.

"Asshole! You didn't have to scare us!"

The dragon chuffed, nudging Prince Aiden aside so he could lay his large head on Sora's shoulder.

The boy smiled shyly, he couldn't bow his head in greeting because their faces were too close so he just politely said hi.

"H-Hi. Your Majesty."

The dragon chuffed again, seemingly speaking to the prince through their mind-link because Aiden soon spoke.

"He says hi. Also, you don't have to use formal titles with him."

The boys eyes snapped over to Aiden quickly.

"B-But, I do..! You're both r-royalty I have to be r-respectful.."

The prince chuckled, shaking his head softly.

"No, you don't. There's no need for formal titles with friends."

A barely audible squeak left Sora's mouth at the sound of the prince saying he was their friend. His eyes were wide and his heart threatened to beat right out of his chest.

"Just call us by our names okay?"

He tried to respond verbally but nothing would come out, so he just nodded shakily.

He couldn't believe this was actually happening, what are you supposed to say in this situation?

He couldn't believe this was actually happening, what are you supposed to say in this situation?

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