Chapter Thirty Nine

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Sora made his way back to class shortly after the Prince left, neither of them realized it but they had spent nearly an hour in the office together.

It felt like his head was covered in a thick layer of fog. He wasn't aware of the scenery changing as he walked. The noises of shoes shuffling on the ground and talking almost nonexistent in his head, everything felt surreal.

He barely floated through class, operating on mostly habit and the little information his brain could drum up to answer questions.

As he began walking out of class he didn't even register the old man calling his name, so when the teacher gently grabbed hold of his arm he managed a spot on impression of a startled cat.

An embarrassing squeal left his lips as he jumped, whirling around to face an equally shocked looking Mr, Baker.

The man cleared his throat, warily looking the boy up and down and keeping a firm hold on his arm like he might sprint from the room any minute. Also akin to dealing with a cat, but much more confusing.

Why did he seem so worried?

"I apologize for startling you."

"I-It's okay."

It was silent for a few seconds as Mr, Baker seemed to try and formulate something to say.

"Is everything.. alright?" The old man asked and Sora's face immediately turned a shade pinker. How was he supposed to explain his current situation? It's not like he could just say his brain is refusing to function normally because, well, he's feeling extremely flustered right now!

"Did something happen that I should be concerned about?"

"I-I uh.. I don't know."

The old man frowned, he glanced briefly over the boy again trying to catch if anything was visibly wrong.
When he came up blank, he sighed.

"What do you mean 'you don't know'?"

Sora didn't know wether to tell him the truth or try to give a different explanation, he hated lying but is the truth better in this situation? What if the old man is homophobic?

Evidently he took too long to answer because soon he felt himself being turned around so he was completely facing the old man. He felt guilty for causing a problem and even more guilty for not knowing how to fix it and staying completely silent.

"Has someone said something mean to you?"

The boy shook his head, watching the visible relief filter across the old man's face before he assumedly began thinking of another question to ask to solve the problem.

"Has someone done something mean to you?"

Again, the boy shook his head.

"Is there.. something going on at home that's bothering you?"

He hesitated before shaking his head again, but Mr, Baker obviously saw it and immediately didn't believe him.

"I know you don't know me very well Sora, so I can understand if you're reluctant to confide in me. But I want to make one thing clear."

He released the boy's arm to gently place his hand on his shoulder.

"If someone is troubling you, no matter who they are or their status. I will listen to you if you want to tell me about it, it's very likely that I could help you as well. Okay?"


The man stared at him for a few seconds longer before giving him a small smile, ruffling his hair lightly and then letting him go.

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