Chapter Thirty Two

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Authors note:

There's a big storm where I am in SC so I wanted to get this chapter out in case we loose power. Hope you enjoy!


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After finally making it to class, only a few minutes late. Sora was able to reflect on everything that happened earlier that morning.

Mr, Baker was lecturing the class on something to do with saddle oil but he wasn't paying attention to that.

Why did he hug me like that? He kept coming back to that thought, when Aiden hugged him so suddenly before he vanished out of the door. Sora had to remind himself how to breath when the Prince left and it was- embarrassingly- not the first time his body forgot how to manage a basic function around the Prince.

Though brief, the warmth he felt radiating from the older boy was so very soothing, very similar to what he imagined a good hug was supposed to be.

Yes, he'd been hugged by the King Dragon and that was comforting in a way he hadn't felt before. But it was also much more of a dominant and submissive embrace with the dragon.

Kazua hugged him protectively, possessively, it was very comforting to feel protected and so very little in the dragons embrace.

But being hugged and held by Aiden was different.

It felt more intimate than it probably should have and he's inclined to believe it's because he's never really been held by a human before, until Aiden wrapped him up in those strong arms of his.

He shivered, the ghost of the Prince's touch lingering on his body giving him chills.

"Teacher! He's not listening!"

Sora jumped at the high pitched yell of the girl next to him. He didn't know her name but she has never been nice to him so he wasn't keen on finding out.

He looked sheepishly to the old man and the frown on his face was enough to say he wasn't pleased.

"Well, Mr, Foster I suppose you wouldn't mind answering this question then, if you feel so inclined as to not pay attention."

Sora swallowed back the lump in his throat as he tried not to whimper audibly for his peers to hear, he shrunk back in the chair and nodded.

Mr, Baker directed his gaze to the whiteboard and Sora found himself struggling to read the smaller writing. But he managed. 'What is the purpose of oiling your saddle?'

The boy cleared his throat quietly, licking his dry lips before answering.

"Oiling a saddle prevents the leather from drying and cracking, it creates a protective layer against weather damage and wear and tear, most oils also have a heat protectant in them."

"That is correct. Now, can anyone tell me what this strap is called?"

Mr, Baker continued on with the lesson like nothing happened. It seems he wasn't too bothered with the boys straying thoughts, but Sora was sorely aware of the hateful glares sent his way by a few of the other students.

They most likely wanted to see him embarrass himself further by getting the answer wrong.

This was going to be a long day..

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                      2 weeks later.
            The middle of November.
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