Chapter Nine

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Authors note:

Chapter 1 of a double upload, hope you enjoy!

That, was a strange experience.. he thought.

The boy had just left his office and he couldn't quite stop thinking about everything that had just happened. Over the span of two weeks he had been watching Sora very closely, eager to figure out why the king was so interested and insistent in him being an academy student.

So far he couldn't understand it.

The boy was very nice- skittish and nervous most of the time- but, occasionally he would get excited about dragons and start rambling off facts. He was a great student too, always on time, respectful, smart, attentive-

Well, sometimes he did seem to zone out recently. It usually happens at the end of class when the other students are packing their things to leave.

He was would just.. sit there. Expression blank and unreadable. if he didn't already know the kid had a sad resting face he would assume he was distraught.

Maybe he was?

What's more concerning is his living situation. He thought. The boy had said the roof fell in. Normally he would scoff at such an excuse and send the offending party straight to detention.

But not with Sora.

He seemed genuine, and if he was being honest, that little freak out made him worried. He half expected the poor thing to pass out with how fast and erratic his breathing was. Not to mention the shaking..

Having grown up in the castle and continuing to work there his whole life, he hadn't ever met someone quite like the young boy before. In the sense that Sora was from the outskirts of town, he likely didn't grow up in the best environment and it showed in his behavior. Judging from little things he said, he's also an orphan.

Daniel was used to teaching the stuck up brats of the nobles, they were all cocky and just had an air of arrogance about them that he sometimes wished to smack them for.

Okay, maybe not just sometimes..

But Sora was nothing like that. If anything he was a bit of a pushover, a doormat. He didn't stand up for himself at all.

Multiple times now Daniel has caught the snide remarks, insults, bullying. It's happened a lot, and Sora never sticks up for himself, he just takes it.

It's gotten to the point where he's getting worried about the poor thing's mental health. Surely those comments bother him somewhat..

And that's not taking into account all the things he doesn't catch them saying or doing. Who knows what has happened out of ear shot.

             .           .          .         .

So, that's why he finds himself here.

"Mr, Baker I assure you something will be done about this."

The guard didn't seem very happy about the complaint, but he was obligated to do something about the situation.

"Good, I don't want to hear any more rude comments. If I do, I'll go straight to the King to have this sorted."

"There'll be no need for that, we'll handle it, sir."

"hmm.. I'm sure you will." Then he turned and left.

Those walking muscle displays better deal with this properly because the old man wasn't joking about taking this matter to the King.

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