Chapter Fifteen

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Authors note:

Another double upload! Sorry it took so much longer for me to get these chapters out I've been busy. I hope you enjoy!

This is chapter 1 of 2.

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           A few weeks later. . .

Sora made his way to class, quickly slipping through the crowded halls and trying to avoid any attention on himself.

It had been strangely easy to stay away from his bullies -Matthew and Sarah that is- Mr, Baker did say he would take care of them, but Sora hadn't been sure if he it would actually make a difference.

But it did, whatever he had done made them back off. For the time being that is.

He made it to class early as usual and took his seat in the front. The others were whispering excitedly to each other and he didn't know why, but he started setting out his things like normal, deciding not to listen in on the gossip.

. . . . .

A few minutes later the whispers stopped and Sora looked up to see Mr, Baker walking over to the whiteboard.

He began writing on the board in his nice handwriting, but it was smaller than usual and Sora couldn't make out what the words said this time.

A wave of excitement seemed to wash over the others as he got to the end of the board , but Sora was left in the dark.

Mr, Baker turned around to face the class and his eyes immediately found Sora. He frowned at the confused expression the boy wore as the others began packing their things.

"Sora, any questions?"

Everyone else paused slightly, turning to look at him. He shrank into his seat from all the unwanted attention.

"U-Uhm.. a-are we going somewhere..?"

Mr, Baker nodded slowly with confusion, he looked back at the board to check that he wrote the correct thing.

"Yes, we are." He pointed to the board and everyone continued packing their things away. "Pack your things."

Sora began doing just that, still being very confused as to what was going on.

That confusion only doubled when everyone began choosing a partner for something. They all walked out the door in pairs as Mr, Baker finished gathering a few odds and ends from his desk.

Unfortunately, even if Sora was privy to what was happening that wouldn't fix the new issue of him not having a partner. The class was an odd number of students since the first round of kids got removed from the program for not keeping good grades.

He jumped slightly when a hand landed on his shoulder and looked up to find Mr, Baker staring at him with a frown.

"What's wrong, kid?"

Sora looked around to find they were the only ones in the room.

"Couldn't find a partner?"

The boy shook his head. No one would want to be his partner even if there was enough people, and that fact was embarrassing as it is. Now to add on top of that he seemed like an idiot because he still didn't know what they needed a partner for.

"Mm.. I suppose you can be by yourself then. We usually partner up to ensure you all get a chance to meet everyone but just walk with the others and I'm sure you'll be okay."

He nodded slowly, he was about to go check the board to see what was going on but Mr, Baker started leading him out of the room.

Well, I guess it will be a surprise. He thought. Hopefully a good one too.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

It was a good surprise.

Sora stood on the edge of the large field. The very same one used to let the dragons be present during the Showcase.
Although this time, there was no fence separating the teen from the large dragons.

Around 15ish dragons were scattered across the field, all of them being adults.

Most of them were green and blue, some had hints of white or accents of grey, all common colours.

they're all so beautiful, he thought. One in particular caught his eye, a large female with white spots adorning her belly scales and grey speckles on her mostly green wings.

She seemed very interested in the kids and would blow smoke out of her nose to show off.

His classmates had sped through meeting everyone and were now in small groups talking amongst themselves and the dragons.

Originally he did walk with the others as they were introduced to each dragon by Mr, Baker. But now he stood back and just observed as the teacher walked back and forth through everyone.

His peers still seamed very excited as they all tried to get the attention of their favorite dragon, it was interesting to watch as some of them made a right fool out of themselves just to get noticed. They all wanted to find their Soulmate and did what they believed would make the dragon choose them.

But Sora stayed out of it. He knew just by walking around them who would be picked by which dragon. It was only a guess based on their body language around each other, or how they seemed to share the same presence. But he was sure none of the dragons here would choose him as a Soulmate.

It was very disheartening.

A large portion of his classmates would be released from the academy after today based on how they did and what feedback the dragons gave. And of course from who ended up finding their Soulmate.

It would most certainly not be him though. He was sure of it.

If the others weren't so crazy right now he would've loved to try and spend time with the dragons, getting to know them a little maybe. But with how his classmates were acting he would just be pushed to the side and ignored, and he wasn't about to make a fool of himself just to get noticed.

So, observing from under his tree was good enough. He felt lucky just to have been so close to them earlier that it almost made up for the fact that he was alone now.


Maybe not as alone as he thought. . .


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