Chapter Thirty

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Authors note:

Happy holidays everyone! I hope you enjoy this double upload! Chapter 2 of 2.


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He almost couldn't believe his eyes when he opened them after they exited the carriage.

The black stone Castle was looming large and imposing right in front of them and soon they were headed inside it.

When he realized where the Prince was taking him he finally spoke up.

"A-Ah, why a-are you taking me
I-Inside, Your H-Hig-"


"A-Aiden.. why are you t-taking me inside..?"

The guard following them definitely noticed the strange correction, but he didn't say a word.

"I'm taking you to the Academy from this side of the Castle. The carriage was to return here after my outing and I didn't want to change its course because the horses need rest. Besides, I can get you to class just as easily by going this way."

"Y-You don't need t-to bring me to class, Your Hi-"


"A-Aiden.. you don't n-need to bring me a-all the way to class."

The Prince chuckled softly, the smooth sound right next to Sora's ear giving him the good kind of chills.

"I want to. I have time this morning to myself, Kazua and I planned on going for a fly but I'm sure he'll understand if I'm late."

"Y-You don't need to keep ,His Majesty, w-waiting on my behalf.."

"He would do the same."

Sora noticed the guard listening in to their conversation staring at him with a deep frown, it made the boy nervous.

"Y-You don't have t-to carry me.."

"Nonsense, your ankle is hurt."

The boy sighed quietly, giving in to his urge and finally letting his face hide against the Prince's neck.

If he doesn't like it he'll tell me to stop. Being the only thought that made him brave enough to do it. The constant staring from Aiden's guard was making him very uncomfortable but there wasn't anything he could do besides hide, and he was used to hiding from scary people so it came naturally to him.

What didn't feel natural was the fact his face was resting against the Prince's neck and laying on his shoulder. That was very unnatural.

The walk was relatively silent after their conversation died down. Sora found himself relaxing into the Prince's arms and his warmth was well appreciated on the cold October day.

Speaking of October, it was almost November already. The month seemed to go by very fast, almost faster than he read the whole Bestiary in the Ancient Grimoire Mr, Baker let him borrow. He'd moved to the beginning of the book a day or two ago and was starting to read it through the way it was intended.

They passed a few servants in the hall, each giving them shocked looks and wide eyes.

Sora was sure everyone that saw would be talking about this for days, their precious Prince carrying a commoner through the Castle so casually like it wasn't abnormal would surly bring about a commotion.

But the Prince didn't seem to care at all over the repercussions his actions would cause for himself. In fact, he seemed rather pleased to be carrying the boy.

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