Chapter Thirty Seven

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Aiden nodded, nervousness making it difficult to speak.


The Prince sighed, he didn't want to lie. But he also didn't quite know how Sora would react if he told the truth.

He decided to just go for it.

"I want to get you something."

Sora's eyes widened, his mouth falling open slightly in the cutest deer-caught-in-lamp-light look.

"Y-You don't have to d-do that.."

"I know, but I want to.. T-Then I got to thinking that maybe I would end up getting you something that you wouldn't use, o-or wouldn't be able to use. I-I don't know your living situation or what you have access to and I want to get you something good bu-"

Aiden froze when he felt Sora's cold hand grab his index finger as the boy stood up. He had a shy smile on his face, his eyes slightly watery.

"A-Aiden.. i d-don't need anything from you, that's n-not why I'm your friend."

The Prince's heart soared, he already knew the younger boy had a heart of gold and he couldn't get over how attractive that was to him. Sora was perfect in his eyes, flaws and all.

"I-I know that, I just.. it would make me happy to get you something nice."

The boy giggled quietly as Aiden tucked some of his blonde hair behind his ear, tickling his cheek in the process before the Prince rested his hand on the boy's shoulder.

Sora relaxed against Aiden's warmth, releasing the Prince's finger in favour of holding his hand.

"What can I get you? A-Anything at all."


Aiden moved closer, he couldn't help wanting to make sure Sora was warm and it was rather cold in the office since it lacked a fireplace.

The boy's cheeks turned that delectable shade of pink at their close proximity, but he made no effort to back away.

"Clothes? Food perhaps? Jewelry even? Books? Anything."

Sora chuckled lightly, leaning forward and resting his head against the Prince's shoulder instead of shyly averting his gaze.

Aiden moved his hand from the boy's shoulder and instead placed it on the back of Sora's head, gently tangling his fingers in his loose blonde curls.

"I-I.. I guess, i-if you really want to get me something.."

"I do!"

The boy leaned further into him, their chests pushed fully against one another.

"W-Well.. I could use a new book bag, I-If you really want t-"

"Is there a specific style or colour you want? One from a certain shop?"

Sora removed his face from hiding against the Prince's shoulder and looked up at him with wide eyes. His face laden with shock; evidently he still didn't expect the Prince to be serious.

"A-Are you sure..? I'm okay with anything.."

"I'm sure, where do you want to get it from? I can take you after class today."

"W-We can get one from anywhere,
i-i don't know a good place. B-But if it's okay I would like a leather one.."

"Done! Meet me in the courtyard after class and we will go pick you one."

A shy smile lit up the boy's face and it was at this moment Aiden realized me might actually do anything for the boy if Sora kept looking at him that way.

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