Chapter Twelve

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Authors note:

This is chapter 2 of a double upload, enjoy!

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The boy was flipping through a book about deformities in dragons when the door to the office opened. His teacher- which he now knows is named Daniel Baker- was walking over to him. Empty handed.

"Bad news kid. She wasn't able to finish."

Sora put the book back, his lips pulling into a small pout as he thought what to do.

The old man made it clear that he was not to leave the room in his current state, clad in only a large black dress shirt that belonged to Mr, Baker.

So just going back to the house now wouldn't be allowed.

"Kid, are you listening?"

"A-Ah y-yes, sir." The man sighed heavily.

"You'll have to stay here for the night. I'll make you a spot to sleep on the couch, give me one minute."

Sora was silent for the next few minutes as he followed the man into his living space and watched him walk around, getting the couch ready.

He didn't want to be even more of a bother than he already was. The man had let him clean off, given him something to wear and something for burns on his skin caused by the bleach.

Besides, Sora doubted he would be able to change his mind anyway, no matter what he said.

The old man was very different from others he's met, he seemed to like doing things his way, which isn't unusual. But that also meant inconveniencing himself to make that happen, when he could just let the issue fall to someone else and be on with his day.

For example,

Not allowing Sora to figure this situation out on his own and instead taking it into his hands to solve the problem.

"There we go, if you need anything else you know where things are, you may use whatever you like. I'll be in my room if you need my help."

"O-Okay, thank you, s-sir."

He nodded before walking away, going into his room for the night.

Sora sat down on the small couch. It was more comfortable than his bed, cleaner too. No water damage or stains.

He was surprised a piece of furniture could be so well kept and cozy.

And even more surprised that he was allowed on it.

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A soft ringing echoed through the room, announcing the arrival of his valet.

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