Chapter Nineteen

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Authors note:

Yay finally I had the time to finish this chapter! Hope you enjoy <3


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He couldn't help it. The staring was bound to happen around Sora and he just had to accept that fact.

He wasn't used to being around someone he was so utterly entranced with. The lip biting certainly didn't help his control either.

A long drawn out silence filled the air before Aiden was pulled from his thoughts.

'Now look who is staring.' The nonchalant manner in which his Soulmate stated his obvious interest in Sora caught his attention indefinitely. A blush bloomed on his face rather quickly.

'Just remember, I'm his favorite.'

Aiden guffawed suddenly, startling Sora out of his fixed gaze on the dragon.

'He's only interested because you're a dragon!'

'He didn't even finish your face, hotshot.'

Aiden glanced back down to the drawing and found that his Soulmate was, in fact, stating the truth.

He looked over to Sora only to find the boy was already staring at him.

"The drawing is unfinished?"

Sora didn't say anything for a few seconds until realization seemed to dawn on him.

"A-Ah, I d-didn't see enough of your f-face to finish, a-and I didn't w-want to just make it u-up.."

"Oh, alright."

Kazua looked up from the book for the first time since they turned to that page, his face held an amused, delighted expression.

'I think it's perfect, there's no need to finish it.'

Aiden rolled his eyes and relayed the message to Sora.

The boy giggled quietly, catching the Prince off guard as he stared with wide eyes.

"I-I'm glad you like it..!"

The dragon chuffed before walking closer to the boy and sitting down in front of him. Sora smiled nervously and glanced to the Prince who had a flustered expression on his face.

Aiden cleared his throat quickly.

"You can ask him any questions you have, I'll tell you his answer."

The boy smiled nervously, walking forward to stand within arms reach of the dragon.

Aiden was surprised when he lifted his arm and offered his hand to Kazua in a formal greeting.

'Good boy, this one.' His Soulmate commented happily as he sniffed Sora's outstretched hand.

With the greeting accepted and completed successfully Sora visibly relaxed, he tucked his hair behind one ear as a smile split across his face.

"S-So uhm.. I-I can ask anything?"

The dragon nodded, a deep chuff of approval rumbling through his chest.

"Is it true that hatchlings are white from the moment they come out of their eggs and then they get colour as they age?"

The dragon nodded his head again.
'A dragon's scales gain their mature colouring after turning 2 moons old.' Aiden relayed the answer to Sora.

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