Chapter Eight

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Some time later. . . .

Time always seemed to pass much slower when you're uncomfortable.
That's something Sora learned from a young age.

Walking to the academy in the cold early morning air didn't help his current predicament. He sniffled and tried his best not to slip on the icy roads, every little crack between the stones seemed to have a vendetta against him as he constantly tripped.

The sunrise was the only good thing about his mornings. A vibrant orange red and yellow filtered through the sky as night slowly became day. I wonder what it would be like to fly during a sunrise. He thought before tripping for the umpteenth time that morning.

Two of his books crashed to the ground beside him and he jumped, squealing slightly from the loud noise. Luckily though, no one was around to hear it.

At least, he couldn't see them if they were.

He quickly bent down and grabbed the two books, shuffling the others around slightly to get a better grip.

I really need to find another job. He thought.

Unfortunately, his book bag completely fell apart a few weeks ago in his way to the academy. Originally he thought he had enough to buy a new one so it didn't bother him that much.

But, when he got back to the house and put his things away the roof had suddenly collapsed. Almost everything in his small room was ruined.

And to top it all off, the Fosters made him pay to have it fixed along with getting new clothes for himself.

He barely managed to afford the repairs and was left with enough money afterwards for only 3 shirts and two pants, not including his uniform. Luckily underwear wasn't a problem because he was able to salvage a few pairs he already had.

And now he knew how to sew, so, not that bad right? Loose all your possessions but learn how to fix holes in clothes you don't have. He did feel lucky though. His notebook wasn't injured and luckily, neither was he.

But at the same time he also felt like crying.

              ~      ~      ~      ~      ~

Class passed a little too quickly for his liking. He felt like it had only just started when the bell rang and everyone began gathering their things to go.

As usual, he waited until the room was mostly empty before picking up his things and walking out.

However, before he could even make it to the door-

"Hey, kid."

He tensed at the gruff voice but turned around to face his teacher anyway. "Come here I want to have a word with you."

His immediate thoughts were that he did something wrong, but what was it? The class seemed to go well and he did pay attention throughout the whole of it, not counting when he dropped a pencil and had to pick it up. But that was the only time he could recall not fully listening.

He nervously walked over to stand in front of the desk. It was a heavy dark wooden desk, much taller than he was used to and that certainly didn't make him feel better.

"Y-Yes, sir..?"

"I noticed you don't have a book bag anymore, also, where did the biology and flight books go?"

He tensed. I knew he would ask eventually but I was hoping it wouldn't be so soon.. now he didn't have any money to pay for a new bag and certainly not to compensate for the loss of the textbooks.

"I-I uhm.. w-well the roof fell into my room and ruined almost everything, I-I'm sorry I couldn't save those books, a-and my bag, I-It broke.."

The man was silent.

Sora couldn't read his expression and that made him even more nervous. Was he mad about the ruined books? If he wanted to be paid back it would take months for the boy to get the money, maybe even a year since finding a job he can do has been so difficult. What if he gets kicked out of the academy?

"-ey kid."

There's nothing he could really offer in place of money and those text books were really expensive.
He can't do much in terms of physical work, that's already out of the question after he tried and failed to be any use with his weak body.

"-id you alright?"

With his bad eyesight cleaning is difficult too so that's also out of the question, he's gotten in trouble many times for 'slacking' that it's just not a viable option for a job. Let alone to repay something expensive.

He was pulled from his thoughts when a heavy hand landed on his shoulder, squeezing gently to get his attention. It was only then he realized how fast his breathing was and the uncontrollable shaking that that plagued his body.


He looked up to find the old man crouched slightly in front of him, his brows were furrowed and his lips a thin line.

He looked.. concerned?

"Hey, are you with me?"

The boy didn't trust himself to speak and nodded shakily in response.

"Good, you worried me for a second. What's wrong?"

He sniffled quietly, trying to calm down enough to answer. It took a minute or two but eventually he was able to speak.

"I-I can't p-pay back the missing b-books.. I-I'm sorry.."

The man frowned. Shaking his head he sighed and wiped the tears off Sora's cheek. "Who said that you had to pay for it?"

Sora froze.

"I-I.. I thought.."

"It wasn't your fault. I can easily get you replacements, are you alright? You said the roof fell?"

It took a second for him to register the question because all he could think about is the fact he wasn't in trouble. "Kid?"

"I-I'm okay.."

The man nodded slowly, letting go of his shoulder and standing up straight. He walked over to the desk and started gathering a few things before turning back around. "Come on, let's go get you some new books."

Sora followed him out quietly, his mind still trying to process what happened.

Why isn't he mad? The books are so expensive surely it won't be easy to get replacements. Even ignoring the fact he wouldn't be repaid for the loss it seemed very strange to just, give him new books free of charge.

But, true to his word they reached the office and he was given two new books. Free of charge or reprimand.

It made him nervous.

Did he expect a favour in the future for this?

What could he want..

What could he want

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