Chapter Twenty Three

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Authors Note:

Surprise double upload! Chapter 1 of 2.


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Class seemed too short for Sora's liking, he never would've guessed it had already been an hour and a half.

After he finished gathering his notebook and pencil's he turned and made his way over to the teachers desk where Mr, Baker was gathering up the test sheets to bring to his office and grade.

"You intend to read again?" The man questioned, not even looking up from what he was doing. Sora nodded quickly before realizing he couldn't see.

"Y-Yes sir, is that okay?"

"Of course, just give me one second and we'll go."


It didn't take long at all until the two of them had made it back to the old office, Mr, Baker sat the large stack of papers on his desk and motioned for Sora to take a seat in the armchair as he went to grab the book.

When he returned the boy was nearly bouncing in his seat with excitement, so much so that it was difficult for him to grab the book in a normal fashion.

Before he could open it, however, a loud knock startled him and the heavy book slipped from his hands, landing harshly in his lap with a thud.

"Come in." Mr, Baker said as he walked toward the door.

A tall blonde haired woman in a guards uniform stepped inside.

"Mr, Baker. The King requires your presence in his office urgently."

"Of course, I'll be there in a few minutes."

The woman nodded her head stiffly before leaving just as quickly as she came in. Mr, Baker sighed, turning to face Sora who had a pout on his face.

"D-Does this mean I have to leave?"

The teachers face held a contemplative expression. Normally he would never trust someone alone in his office, let alone when they have such a valuable book in their hands.

However, Sora has proven himself to be trustworthy in the past and it was likely he wouldn't be gone long.

"No, you may stay here and read it. But do not leave this room."

The boy nodded adamantly as a grin spread onto his face.

"Of course! T-Thank you sir!"

Mr, Baker hummed in response as he left the room. Albeit a little slower than he probably should have since the king was awaiting his arrival.

Sora tuned out the world as he read, like normal when getting really into a book. The subtle sounds of walking in the hall, or the ticking of the old clock no longer registered in his head as he went through the old book page by page.


In opposition to its name, these creatures are far from the small six legged creatures commonly found across the world.

Ardentant's stand at 3 ft tall, perched on two skinny, bone-like legs made of a substance similar to keratin and deep crimson in colour. They spend most of their short lives making a nest to have offspring, once a female Ardentant has mated and given birth to her two to eight kids, she will then be devoured by her children as their first source of nutrients.

These medium sized animals produce a chemical in their abdomens called Luciferase, that creates a glow when light is removed from their surroundings. Allowing them to see in a small radius at night.

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