Chapter Twenty One

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Authors note:

Surprise double upload! Hope you enjoy chapter 2 of 2.


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"I forgot to ask earlier, but did you figure out how he ended up in the closet?"

The old man nodded, a frown pulling his eyebrows downward.

After trying (and failing) to get anymore information from Kazua Aiden had wondered a little away from the two under the tree, followed by Mr, Baker.

They were now walking around the edge of the field.

"Yes, he was pushed in."

The prince stopped walking abruptly, turning to face the old man with a frown marring his pretty features.


Mr, Baker cleared his throat.

"He was pushed into the closet, Your Highness."

An uneasy silence settled between the two of them for awhile. Aiden hadn't thought of that as a possibility, was he being bullied?

Sora seemed far too sweet and polite to have gotten into a fight with someone, so the only possible explanation for being pushed, in Aiden's mind, is that the boy is being bullied.

"I have noticed for some time now that the others students don't favour him very much." Mr, Baker started, garnering the Prince's attention quickly. "They speak badly of him and don't respect his space. Numerous times now I have heard many harsh insults directed at him in the halls."

"And you didn't speak up about this?"

The man shook his head.

"I have done nearly all I could without going to his Majesty about the matter. Sora is not the type to complain about such things on his own and to file a formal complaint I would need his recount of the instances he was bullied. Without that my word is less impactful."

Aiden's frown deepened.

"What all have you done to rectify the situation?"

Mr, Baker nodded his head forward, requesting that they continue walking. Aiden obliged and once they had started again the old man began talking.

"I have informed the guards of the situation and told them to keep an eye on the students. It has improved since then."

Aiden nodded slowly, sensing that he wasn't done.

"I have punished the two responsible for tormenting him the most, they also happen to be the culprits for pushing him into the closet."


Mr, Baker hesitated slightly. He didn't want to cause an issue between the prince and students, it would only take more of the boys time when he already had so little of it to spare.

But, he did have to give an answer.

"Two third year students, Your, Highness. Sasha and Matthew."

Aiden was about to open his mouth to demand their last names but Mr, Baker continued.

"They were given extra work for the rest of their lessons and multiple tests to ensure they keep busy. I also gave them the job of mucking out the stables for the next 5 months as well as instructing them to keep their distance from Sora."

The prince hummed approvingly with those punishments. It was more lenient than he would have administered but nevertheless something substantial had been done.

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