Chapter Thirty Three

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Authors note:
Sorry it took me so long to finish this one. Enjoy!


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The walk down to the field wasn't too difficult all things considered. The saddle he carried seemed to gain fifty pounds as they went and his arms felt like falling off by the time they arrived, but he was expecting that.

At least he didn't fall on the way, that would've been embarrassing.

Mr, Baker had all the students put their saddle on a holder while they waited for the dragons to arrive.

The old man began going over the steps they'd be doing while they waited and Sora found himself tuning out of the lesson since he'd memorized the steps already. Rereading the textbook right before this class proved to be very advantageous.

Instead of listening he began looking around the field. A thick blanket of snow covered the ground and weighed the bare tree limbs down. It was so bright he found himself squinting, giving himself a slight headache.

But a large figure hiding up in the trees caught his attention before he relinquished his attempts at seeing the blurry landscape around him.

It was too far away for him to truly make out what it was, but he assumed it was a bird. Although his sense of scale might be off, it could be hidden behind the trees. Before he could move closer it quickly lifted off out of sight.

Must be a bird then. He concluded. He was used to the scale of things being greatly warped the further they were from him and sometimes a far away bird looked massive. So it didn't bother him too much.

What did bother him was the loud cheering that suddenly erupted behind him. He turned just in time to see ten dragons land, immediately recognizing them from all that time ago when they'd been searching for their Soulmates.

He wasn't surprised in the slightest which of his classmates ran to which dragon, he'd already guessed that first day they met on who would be with who and he was pleased to be correct.

Mostly, about one pairing.

The large female dragon he'd drawn that seemed to be very popular amongst his classmates, he'd guessed her soulmate right away.

She was paired with the shortest girl in his class, although she was still a head taller than him. He didn't have any strong opinions about any of his classmates- besides the ones that were mean to him- but this girl looked nice.

She had good grades and he'd never been bullied by her before, she hadn't even been laughing with the others at his expense, which was different.

And overall she seemed pretty sweet and kind natured, he could remember her sharing a pencil with one of their peers and she often was one of the first to answer questions in class. Overall he had silently grown to like her and was happy he got the pairing correct. Even though he seemed to have gotten all the pairings correct.

A cold breeze blew across the field and he shivered. Making his way over to stand by Mr, Baker.

The old teacher was watching the students interacting with the dragons, apparently he was paying attention to Sora without looking at him because shortly after the boy stopped next to him, he spoke.

"Once they settle down some we'll get the lesson started. I would like you to watch everyone and make notes of anything they do wrong, I'll have you walk with me as we go through and check all the saddles, okay?"

"O-Oh, okay I can do that, Sir."


Finally the old man glanced down at him, he couldn't quite understand the expression on his face but it was somewhere between blank and nervous. Which was strange.

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