Authors note:

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The first chapter of this book will be uploaded sometime in May of 2023, I'm thinking in the beginning.

I will be using this 'chapter' to clear up questions and confusion during the writing of this book so if you need anything answered please ask your questions down below!

  Leave your questions here, please.

I hope you're as excited as I am for the story to begin!

Here is a list of some of the more difficult words to pronounce as well as some other things I wanted to clear up. Let me know if I need to add anything else to it.




Sil- Issy


Muh- lor- ee



Dialogue fonts:
When a dragon is speaking to a human the text will be in italics with
' before and after their words


'When Kazua talks it looks like this.'

Alternatively if there are two dragons talking one of them will be in italics and the other will not.


'The first dragon talking.'

'The second dragon talking.'

Kazua's text will always be in Italics and Shvalos' text will be without it when they are both speaking. If it is just the older dragon however, his text will be italicized.

When a human is speaking in their mind-link the words will always be in bold font with ' before and after their words.


'The text would look like this.'

When speaking out loud the words are started and ended with " instead of '


"Like this, even though I probably don't need to show you lol."

When thinking internally the text will be in italics with neither quotation marks.

Just like this.

I hope this keeps things less confusing :)

I hope this keeps things less confusing :)

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