Chapter Fourty Four

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Authors note:

Chapter 1 of 3 in a Triple upload, enjoy!


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Kazua hovered in the air for awhile, watching Sora walk until he couldn't see the boy anymore.

That's when the other dragon lifted from the trees and joined him.

'You dealt with it?'

'Yes, he's on his way home.'

The larger king huffed with annoyance before landing heavily on the ground, Kazua followed him down.

'You didn't have to hide, he wouldn't have been able to see you in the dark.'

'I wasn't hiding.'

The younger king purred with amusement rumbling through his chest.

'Very well. How did you know he was important to me?'

'I saw you watching him during the class on the field.'

Kazua narrowed his eyes at his partner. Maybe Shvalos had warmed to humans a small amount since accepting the younger king's bond with Aiden. But even then he doubted his counterpart would willingly go out of his way to help a human.

'That's not why you informed me he needed help though, is it?'

The older king huffed with annoyance.

'Why else would I have helped him?'

'Do you feel drawn to him? Even the slightest bit.'

Kazua watched with narrowed eyes as the large purple dragon flicked his tail in aggravation, his nose flaring animatedly as he took heavy breaths.

'I think he's the descendant of a first world creature.'

That caught the older's attention, drawing him out of his annoyed fuming.

'What makes you think this?'

'He was not affected by my fire at all. His scent is very calming, it has the same affect that Aiden and the little ones' does on me but I know we can't be soulmates. On top of that his touch is like that of a youngling.'

It felt like a weight was lifted from his back when he finally spoke aloud everything that had been confusing him with Sora. The older king seemed deep in thought. Kazua sat still, awaiting his answer to the far fetched idea and situation.

He could think of two options that Sora might be, neither were very plausible.

'It is possible, I suppose that he could be a descendant of the Aiokawa. Or perhaps even a descendant of Mauwas, if the rumors are true.'

'That was my thinking too, the only things I could come up with. So you didn't feel anything strange about him?'

The older dragon paused very briefly before he shook his head, but Kazua noticed.

He was confused why his partner was acting this way, being secretive and trying to hide something. But the best he could come up with is maybe the older dragon was embarrassed to have helped the boy, even when he still so adamantly hates humans.

 But the best he could come up with is maybe the older dragon was embarrassed to have helped the boy, even when he still so adamantly hates humans

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