Chapter Ten

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    Authors note:

Chapter 2 of the surprise double upload, enjoy!


Sora slipped on the cold liquid that covered the ground -and him- as he tried to get up. His eyes burnt and he ended up in a coughing fit from the harsh chemicals.

It took a few tries but he managed eventually, clumsily making his way to the door. He grabbed the knob and twisted, heart dropping when it didn't budge.

He was stuck.

In a dark closet.

With no way out.

. . .

He sighed heavily slumping back against the door and sliding down to sit on his knees.

He could only hope a maid would need something from the closet soon and be able to get him out.

And hopefully he wouldn't get in trouble for the mess. He could clean himself, spilled soap shouldn't be too difficult a task, even for his bad eyes.

If the lights were on...

              .           .           .          .

Time passed slowly in the dark room.
It felt like hours went by before he even heard the telltale clacking of heavy boots on the stone floor.

Wait, boots? Maids don't wear heavy boots, it must be a guard then. He thought.

And unfortunately that meant they weren't going to open the d-

The door was pulled open, causing Sora to fall on his back from the sudden lack of support. The person gasped, taking a step back.

"What in the world were you doing in there boy?!"

It took a moment for Sora's eyes to adjust to the light, but when he could finally see his face immediately turned red from embarrassment and he closed his eyes.

There was in fact a maid, and he had just seen straight up her skirt to the off white chemise under her clothes.

Thankfully though, that's all he saw.

Even more embarrassing is the fact his teacher was also staring down at him with a frown, certainly seeing the whole incident.

"Sora, boy what were you doing in there?"

"I-I-I'm sorry.. I-"

"Oh good heavens you're covered in cleaning solution!" The woman's horrified tone confused him, but he supposed it's not good to be covered in the strong smelling stuff. And he very much was covered..


"Sora!" He jumped at the stern voice of his teacher and opened his eyes, only to shut them again when met with the same situation as before.

"Y-Yes, s-sir?"

The man sighed heavily.
"Come on, get up boy."

He felt a calloused hand grab his arm and pull him to his feet, he slipped and struggled to stand properly with his soaked shoes.

"For goodness sake you better get home and wash off! That stuff will burn y-" her sentence was cut off as she started coughing.

He already knew the itchy tingling on his skin wasn't good, but there's nothing he could do about it stuck in the closet.

"G-Get home and scrub yourself down good, that bleach solution will burn your skin."

"Y-Yes, ma'am." His throat felt scratchy and irritated from the harsh smell and his head was fuzzy.

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