Chapter Twenty Six

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Authors Note:

Chapter 2 of 2 in a double update, hope you enjoy and have a good day!


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'I think you broke him.'

Came the amused reply to Aiden's question. Had he said something stupid? Sora was looking at him like he had three heads and while he found the bewildered expression rather adorable, he also worried the boy would have a heart attack with how fast his heart was beating according to Kazua.

'Fuck off! This is series!'

The dragon chuffed amusedly and Aiden really wished he could give him a good smack. But he didn't want to startle Sora even more.

'Perhaps you should say something?'

Aiden cleared his throat, nerves making it difficult not to choke.

"Are you alright?"

The boy nodded shakily, slowly. Still looking shocked and a little lost.

"A-Are you s-sure..?"

"Yes, absolutely." He replied, nodding confidently to try and get the point across even more. Kazua decided to nod his head as well, gently nudging the boys face in the process.

"It's silly to use formal titles when we're friends now, so don't feel bad at all."

Sora bit his bottom lip, eyes glancing over to Kazua for his reaction. The dragon just nodded again, thankfully taking all of Sora's attention for the time being while Aiden struggled not to implode from how attracted he was to the small expression change.

"U-Uhm.. we are f-friends..?"

"Yes. . . Er.. if you want to be?"

"I-I do, I do!"

Aiden smiled softly, relieved that he'd accepted.

"I-I just.. well.. I don't k-know what to d-do with friends, I-I've never had a-any before.."

Now it was Aiden's turn to be shocked.

Really? He'd never considered even one person as a friend before?

"N-Not even when you were little?"

Sora shook his head.

'Maybe he hasn't been interested in having friends?'

Aiden frowned at the dragons thought, who isn't interested in having friends?

"Uh, why haven't you had friends before?"

Sora pursed his lips, his eyes downcast as he began fiddling with the notebook in his lap.

"N-No one ever w-wanted to be
f-friends with me.."

"What?!" The boy jumped at his sudden outburst and Kazua began nuzzling him gently, trying not to have the same reaction as Aiden and scare the boy.

"S-Sorry, sorry.. I just, I don't understand."

Sora sighed, leaning his head against the large dragons' and picking at the wooden bench.

"I-I've never been liked very much.. growing up the o-other kids thought I was diseased b-because I'm so pale and small, t-they didn't want to be around me.."

He sniffled quietly. Aiden stayed silent, trying to think of something he could say to make the boy feel better.

"A-And in school everyone h-hated me, t-they called me a teachers p-pet and bullied me for having good grades.."

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