Chapter Thirteen

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Authors note:

Surprise! I'm doing another double upload, this is chapter 1 of 2.

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Aiden realized he hadn't said anything else in awhile and Sora looked very uncomfortable. So he stumbled internally for something to say.

"What were you doing in his office?"

Sora froze, fidgeting intensely with his fingers.

"He always locks the door when he's not in. How did you open it?"

"I-I stayed t-the night with h-him."
Sora mumbled quickly before adding- "y-your, highness."

Now it was Aiden's turn to freeze.

He took in the boy's appearance once again and immediately felt uncomfortable. "You slept with him?"

Sora's eyes shot up so fast he stumbled slightly backwards. "N-No! n-no no! that's n-not what I meant!"

Aiden was very confused, unsure what to think about the situation.
Then Sora began rambling.

"I-I was covered in c-cleaning solution, m-my h-house is a long walk f-from here. H-He let me use h-his shower b-but I had no clothes and
h-had to borrow his but the seamstress c-couldn't finish a new
u-uniform in time f-for me to leave
s-so he let me sleep o-on his couch an-"

"Alright, it's alright I understand now. You need to breathe."

Sora's face was red and he only managed to get a few deep breaths in before a gruff voice startled them both.

"Boy what are you doing out here?"

Aiden turned around to see Mr, Baker  holding a silk bag with the Kingdom logo on it. The man then seemed to notice his presence, he bowed his head politely before promptly saying- Your, Highness.

But then swiftly turned his attention back to Sora.

"I told you not to leave my office in this state."

"I-I'm sorry, s-sir.."

The man sighed before looking back to Aiden. "Is there something I can help you with Your, Highness?"

Aiden felt stupid for forgetting why he had come in the first place. Especially since his only explanation for his forgetfulness was the short, cute boy standing nervously in the doorway.

"Yes, actually. Can you tell me when the Dragons mating season is?"

Mr, Baker tapped his chin with thought. "It seems to have slipped my mind, I apologize. Let me look it up."

Aiden nodded, giving permission for the man to turn his attention elsewhere. But when he caught sight of Sora a better idea struck him.

"Actually. kid, do you know?"

The boy looked between the two of them, swallowing back the nervousness in his throat.

"D-Dragons have different mating seasons d-depending on their
s-status. Adults mate in early
J-January, followed by w-warriors in April, E-Elders in June a-and sometimes early July. R-Royals Mate i-in the f-first few days o-of October."

The old man nodded contently. Sora's explanation rebooted his memory with the correct answer. He was very pleased the boy already knew that, given it wasn't taught to them yet.

Aiden internally sighed, since it was only October first he could count on his soulmate being missing for the next two or three days.

Although he was thankful to finally have the explanation for why he's missing. It was no more aggravating that the dragon didn't tell him personally.

"Alright, thank you for that, kid. But get inside now."

Sora bowed quickly before hurrying inside the office, shutting the door quietly behind him.

"Is there anything else you need
Your, Highness?"

Aiden shook his head briefly before an idea came to mind.

"Actually, I would like an explanation as to what happened with him yesterday."



Mr, Baker frowned. Shifting on his feet slightly to readjust the weight of the bag he's carrying.

"He was covered with a bleach solution that ruined his uniform. It would have taken too long for him to clean off since his house is far away, so I let him clean off in my shower. That's why he's wearing my shirt.

But his new uniform wasn't done in time for him to leave yesterday so he had to stay the night, I wasn't going to have him walking around in that through the snow."

Aiden hummed, nodding in agreement with his decision. Although that didn't answer all his questions.

"And how did he end up covered in bleach?"

Mr, Baker paused, his frown intensifying. "One of the maids needed my help opening a jammed closet door, but when I got it open he fell out.."

The last words were almost a whisper as the old man's eyes went wide.

He hadn't even questioned how Sora got locked in the closet.

"I see, and how did he end up in there?"

Mr, Baker shook his head. "I have no idea Your, Highness."

Aiden frowned. It wasn't entirely uncommon for people to get locked in rooms when they have no business being there in the first place. But in his experience that's only happened with thieves who have broken into the Castle, only to get trapped because the majority of the doors lock after being shut. No matter their previous unlocked status.

He highly doubts that is the case here. Especially since it was a maids closet with cleaning supplies.

Who steals cleaning supplies?

"I will ask him Your, Highness. Is there anything else I could help you with?"

"No, that's everything. Thank you for your time."

Mr, Baker bowed his head before bidding him goodbye and walking into his office.

Aiden began walking to his fathers meeting room. His mind still trying to come up with an explanation for what happened to Sora.

I'm going to go crazy if I don't figure it out. He thought. He was so used to knowing everything and now that he didn't it really aggravated him. Especially since this whole ordeal involved injuries as well.

He had noticed the bandages on Sora's neck. It was quite obvious they hurt as well with how much he winced when moving his head around.


He decided it was best to come back later. Hopefully his father won't have him too busy doing his duties and he will be able to slip away for an hour or two to come back.

If not today then he would definitely get around to it as soon as possible.

If not today then he would definitely get around to it as soon as possible

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