Chapter Thrity Five

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'When did you find out?'

It was quiet again as the older king spoke and Aiden almost wanted to laugh at the absurdity of the situation. He has a Soulmate? The very same Shvalos that threatened to roast Aiden for connecting a bond with Kazua has a Soulmate.

It's laughable. He couldn't imagine the king ever giving any positive attention to a human and now the beast has a soul deep connection to one. He felt sorry for the poor soul, whoever they are.

Shvalos spared a look of distaste in the direction of the town before turning his attention back to the younger dragon.

'But why were you even out here this morning to begin with?'

The older male huffed, smoke billowing out from his nostrils and making Aiden's eyes water from the heat. The older dragons fire burns hotter and more dangerous than most.

'I don't think so, Aiden?'


'Has your father mentioned anything about a group of bandits attacking a carriage?'

'No, why? What did he say?'

Kazua settled himself down comfortably into his perch, getting tired of standing at an awkward angle in the trees.

'He went to investigate some smoke in the distance and said that it was from a burning carriage on the road a ways away from town.'

'Oh.. that doesn't sound good, I'll ask father about it later he might not even know.'

'Alright. Now tell me, who is your Soulmate?'

The older dragon snorted, his eyes narrowing with distaste as he glanced briefly across the students in the field, who by now had began setting up their saddles again.

'That's not fair! This is important news you have to tell me.'

Shvalos yet again sent his agitated eyes towards the town before seemingly having to pull them away in favour of watching the younger king rant and throw a slight fit.

Once it became clear to Aiden that the old dragon wasn't going to give his Soulmate away the Prince focused back on the field. Deciding he didn't want to try and decipher the half of the conversation he could hear and instead spend his time watching Sora.

The boy was one of the first done with their saddle, stepping back and looking to the teacher so he knew they'd finished. Aiden was surprised that the old man had Sora following him around as he checked the saddles, that's not something he thought the teachers do. But Sora was a special case he supposed.

Speaking of which...

'Kazua, you never finished telling me what you think Sora is.'

The dragon huffed, sulking from his evident loss in the argument with the older king.

'I believe he is a being of the first world.'

'First world?'

The beast nodded, still looking at the older king with puppy eyes and trying to get him to talk.

'There have been many living things that walked the planet long before you and i were created, the world has gone through many different stages to get here.

In the first stage there lived a multitude of different creatures. Creatures that no longer exist in this modern age of kingdoms and politics. Either hunted to extinction or killed by nature.'

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