Chapter Twenty

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Authors note:

Surprise double upload! Hope you enjoy chapter 1 of 2.


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'He will be staying in the academy.'
The voice of Kazua brought Aiden out of his thoughts as the dragon spoke to Mr, Baker firmly.

"It isn't my decision to make. He did not find his Soulmate, not only that but he didn't interact with the others so I have little hope they would come to the meeting and request that he stay."

'I can make that happen.'

Mr, Baker shook his head.

"That wouldn't be fair to the others."

As Kazua and the old man began arguing Aiden kept his eyes on Sora.

The boy had his arms wrapped around himself tightly. A light shaking being the only sign he was crying since his head was downcast and his face out of Aiden's line of sight.

"I'm sorry Your, Majesty. But forcing them to lie isn't going to happ-"

'Then I will go and make the demand myself!'

The Prince and the old man froze, both staring at Kazua with shock.

Not at the loud outburst, no.

But at the words he spoke.

"You.. forgive me your majesty but.. I understand that you have taken a liking to the boy but he does need to actually learn in order to progress in th-"

'He is more important than anyone else you have laid your eyes on. He will be staying in the program until he finds his Soulmate and that is NOT negotiable.'

Silence filled the cold air and Aiden couldn't help but feel so utterly left out. Sora was special?

And Kazua didn't tell him?

'It is imperative that we find out who- or what he is.' The dragon continued. 'I have only a guess, but we need to find his Soulmate before I can confirm or deny that and if I'm right.. he is the beginning of something beyond us.'

The heavy words lingered in the air, none deciding to break the uneasy silence.

Aiden glanced away from his Soulmate to look at Sora instead. Only to find the boy was already staring at him.

His usually bright, vibrant blue eyes seemed dull with sadness. A silent accepting of what he thought to be his forthcoming expulsion.

'If you have made your decision, I will tell him.'

The two looked to Aiden. Mr, Baker held a contemplative expression and Kazua nodded firmly, giving the go ahead.


Aiden turned back to the boy, finding that he hadn't stopped looking at him.

"You're staying in the academy, okay?"

Instead of the excitement or relief he thought would occur. He only got a small, sad frown in return.

"Y-You don't k-know that.."

Aiden nodded adamantly.

"I do, Kazua will make sure of it."

There, that was the shock.

The surprise.


The tears?

A steady stream of tiny droplets fell from his eyes. He tucked his face into his hands, sobbing, shaking with relief.

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