Chapter Fourty

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Authors Note:

Hey ya'll, sorry it's been so long since I've updated I've been really busy trying to deal with YouTube stuff, I hope you enjoy these two chapters!

This is chapter 1 of 2 in the double upload.


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Upon entering the Castle Aiden felt Sora inch closer to him, when he looked at the boy he realized that he was rather nervous.

It made the Prince feel.. something, to know that Sora was moving closer to him to feel safer and that made the Prince confident enough to instead wrap his arm around the boy, pulling him even closer as they walked.

Sora spared him a brief glance before he went back to looking at the artwork adorning the tall walls. Paintings, intricately framed mirrors and tapestries all decorated the spacious halls of the large Castle.

He felt the boy gradually relax against him and had to fight the urge to pull him even closer.

"Father likes to collect paintings from around the world for his collection."
The Prince mentioned, breaking the silence.

"They're pretty."

"Hah, some of them are."

Sora looked at him with a confused expression and Aiden chuckled softly.

"Sometimes I question what art actually is, he's spent so much money on paintings that I think a dog could have made better. Hell I could make something more understandable than some of the 'artwork' he's bought over the years."

"I think art is subjective to the person."


Sora hummed softly in agreement with himself.

"Yeah, sometimes it doesn't have to be a landscape or portrait. Sometimes it could be a scribble that makes you feel emotional, or a collection of dots on the corner that reminds you of something important."

Aiden smiled, chuckling softly to himself.

"I'll take your word for it then."

The Prince had never been a big fan of artwork, ever since he was little he couldn't understand why some colours on a canvas could make people react so strongly.

Now that he's older he can appreciate it a little more, he can at least recognize a good portrait, or landscape. But the more abstract work never really spoke to him like it did his father, and evidently Sora too.

"Are portraits your favorite thing to draw?"

"Yes, but I also like doing landscapes and animals."

The Prince nodded.

"I can tell. You're very good at drawing."

"Thank you.."

Sora whispered softly, he noticed the boy always got shy when he was complemented. His cheeks turning rosy and his eyes becoming downcast and aloof.

It never failed to make Aiden's heart beat faster from how cute the boy is and the Prince suspected that he didn't even realize how much he affected the older boy, simply by being himself.

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Sora grabbed his arm before the Prince could lead them out the large double doors and to the awaiting carriage. All eyes turned to the boy as Aiden stopped, looking back at him with a confused smile.

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