Chapter Thirty One

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Authors note:

Happy 2024 everyone! I hope you have a good year filled with lots of amazing stories and fun memories, and I hope you enjoy this surprise chapter!


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Aiden was stunned into silence by the sight of Sora's thin ankle already turning different shades of purple and blue.

How on earth wasn't he screaming right now?


Was the boys only response to seeing the damage. Just oh.

Oh my gods, it has to be broken. Aiden thought, Sora must be superhuman or something with his lack of pain.

"Boy, I'm taking you to the hospital right now."

"N-No, no I'm okay!"

"Sora, your ankle is purple.."

"It's not bad really, I-I bruise easily it's not broken I promise..!"

The teacher sighed, his eyebrows pinched tightly together.

"I understand if you don't want to see a doctor, but child that is-"

"I-I promise I'm not lying! I've had broken bones before a-and I know it really isn't broken..!"

That knowledge made Aiden's stomach turn. How badly has Sora been injured in the past to have broken a bone, not just one but multiple?

He felt the teacher kneel beside him and looked over to see a strained expression on his face.

"It's not broken, i-i swear."

Mr, Baker took his time feeling around Sora's ankle. Other than slightly wincing at times he didn't give much of a reaction at all, which meant he was one, telling the truth and it truly wasn't broken. Or two, he had the biggest pain tolerance of anyone Aiden had ever met.

Not that he thought Sora was weak but.. he was inclined to believe it was the former, if only for the fact that he wanted to trust Sora's word.

Mr, Baker sighed.

"Okay. But you can't walk on it?"

The boy pursed his lips.

"I.. i-i might be abl-"

"No, he can't."

Aiden answered for him. He remembered the pain on Sora's face after the boy put weight on his foot, there was no way he would allow him to injure himself further.

"Well I'm afraid that I'll have to contact your parents-"

"Y-You can't!"

The room fell silent. Aiden knew Sora never raised his voice, he was always so painfully polite and respectful. But this is the second time he's spoken up when his adoptive parents were mentioned.

"I-I'm sorry, i-i mean.."

Mr, Baker stood up his hands flying to his hips almost immediately after.

"If you can't walk on it I'm obligated to send you home, for that I must contact your parents, boy."

Aiden stood as well, watching how Sora shrank back in the chair as the old teacher spoke.

"If you won't allow me to take you to a hospital, then i need to contact them so they can come get you."

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