Chapter Twenty Seven

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Authors note:

Chapter 1 of 2 in a double upload, hope you enjoy!


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The weeks following their evening study session seemed to fly by. Sora was hardly present at home, thankfully. The atmosphere there never improving like he'd hoped.

He'd come to realize that Mr and Mrs. Foster only adopted him to get a free maid pretty much. He already suspected that from the beginning, but it still hurt to know that even now, he would never have a family.

He shook his head slightly, trying to rid his mind of those thoughts.

Life could be much worse, I'm lucky I have a roof over my head again. He thought, remembering the few years when he was entirely homeless and living in the streets, before the orphanage workers were alerted of his presence on the outskirts of town.
His earliest memory was not a good one. In fact, most of his memories are not pleasant or nice to look back on.

But his earliest might be the worst..

He stumbled over his own feet and just barely managed not to drop all the heavy books onto the hard stone walkway, it wasn't much farther to the Castle gates and once he got in he just had to make it a little further to the classroom, that was doable. Right?

He'd been without a book bag for nearly two months now and every day was a difficult walk to the academy.
He had been managing alright though, with the thick snow and all.

Today, however, was not a good example of his ability to get to class without any hellacious falls or trips.

As he was nearing the door to the D.R.A he noticed a Royal carriage hovering about close to the road further into the Castle grounds, it seemed to be waiting on the guard to open the inner gates.

Unfortunately he was so distracted by the carriages unusually stationary presence that he wasn't paying attention to his footing. His foot slipped on a patch of invisible ice and he went head first towards the ground, books falling around in certainly the most stupidly dramatic flutter of pages and leather anyone has ever seen, landing in various places around his body.

He managed to bring his right arm up and shield his face from smashing into the stone pathway, luckily avoiding a head injury.

But his arm didn't fare so well..

Immediately after impact a shooting pain spread up to his shoulder and a heavy burning sensation engulfed his arm. His head was spinning from the whiplash of having stopped so abruptly after the fast hurtle towards the ground. No doubt exacerbated by slipping on the ice rather than simply tripping like usual.

He was winded from the fall and it felt like his lungs wouldn't allow him to take a proper breath, if his screaming ribs didn't kill him now it would be suffocating.

He didn't have the time to fully comprehend what was going on before he heard someone shout his name, followed by the sound of running through the snow.

The snow? Why would someone on the path need to run through snow to reach him?


Why would someone be running to him and not away from his clumsy catastrophe?

Before he could question the situation further that someone called for him again, this time much closer as he felt a hand grab his left arm and begin to roll him over.

The whimper of pain that left his lips all but forgotten by himself at the face of a very worried looking Prince.

"Sora?! Oh my gods are you alright?!"

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