Chapter Twenty Eight

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Authors note:

Chapter 2 of 2 in a double upload, hope you enjoy!


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Everything happened so quickly the Prince hardly had time to process it before he was rushing out of the carriage just as it was about to begin moving.

One moment he was frustratedly waiting for the guards to open the gates, they kept getting stuck on the thick snow blanketing the ground after this recent snowfall and he was rather done with the annoyance of having to wait here for it to be cleared.

He absentmindedly watched the students and other staff members as they walked the path to the Academy entrance into the Castle. Everyone seemingly in a hurry to get inside out of the cold weather.

Then he spotted him.

Sora walked slowly, and for the first time Aiden noticed that he had a slight limp. His arms were full of large books and the prince recognized his signature black leather notebook, a book that came from his previous school no doubt as it was identical to the books most students get for taking notes in the less wealthy part of the town.

He had never got the opportunity to observe Sora walking like this and he couldn't help but notice how he seemed to slow down after seeing the carriage.

Aiden thought for a second that he might see a bitter face from the boy, it was possible he might dislike the carriages simply for the fact that they were a luxury he couldn't afford.

But instead of a bitter face he was met with the adorable curiousness the Prince had come to expect from him as they spoke about dragons in their little evening rendezvous that he had found himself anticipating every day.

That is, until he saw the most hellacious fall happen right before his eyes as Sora's foot seemed to slip and he went tumbling to the ground, along with all his books.

It took only a few seconds before Aiden had rushed out of the carriage door into the cold October air to check on him.

... ... ... ...

Now he finds himself in a most shocking situation.

Sora's small body was seated on his lap, legs straddling the Prince's thighs and his face firmly pushed against Aiden's shoulder.

"Y-Your Highness, I-I'm not allowed in he-"

"Nonsense, of course you are allowed I brought you in myself."

Sora leaned back slightly to look at the Prince's face and Aiden couldn't help but relish in the fact that he so easily made the boy blush. Nothing quite had the same effect on his heart as seeing the younger boy's cheeks tinted pink on his behalf.

Sora seemed to be struggling with what to say next but eventually he sighed, eyes becoming downcast and his lips pursed.

"T-Thank you f-for helping me Yo-"


Sora bit his lip at the interruption, still getting shocked at the privilege of using the Prince's name.

"T-Thank you for helping me,

The prince nodded, a gentle smile spreading onto his face.

"Of course, what kind of friend would I be if I didn't?"

"Uhm.. a b-bad one?"

Aiden chuckled at the statement-made-question and nodded happily.

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