Chapter Thirty Four

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'Hurry up you're taking forever!'

'I'm almost done.'


Aiden clinched his teeth angrily. Of course, the one day Kazua wasn't in a hurry would be today.

'You can finish this later, we're going to miss it!'

'Alright, alright. I'm coming.'

'Thank the gods!'

The dragon made his way out of the cave, huffing smoke in Aiden's face when he got out. The Prince ignored his antics this time and just mounted the beast so they could go.

He knew today Sora would be out in the field practicing with the saddles and he couldn't help himself, he needed to be there to watch.

Kazua was already supposed to be there to watch the younger dragons so they don't get out of hand on the old teacher. He may be able to speak with them directly, but sometimes disobeying students will lead their Soulmates to not listen as well and in that case they could only be stopped by the king.

However, they might not have to worry about that at all if the large dragon doesn't actually get them there before the class is over. . .

— — — —

'Do you see him?'

'Yes, there. On the end.'

Aiden followed the beasts directions and finally spotted Sora. It seemed they were oiling the saddles now so that meant the two of them were a little late.

They watched in silence for awhile before the beast spoke up.

'Did you hear that?'

'Hear what?'

The dragon stayed deathly silent, pausing his breathing to listen for the sound he thought he'd heard.

Aiden was lost as to what was going on but he stayed silent as well, knowing Kazua doesn't usually have to focus so heavily on listening for something unless it was far away.
Or.. unless whoever made that sound was trying to be quiet. 

It felt like hours passed before the beast huffed, finally allowing himself to draw breathes and stop listening so intensely.

'What did you hear?'

'I thought I heard a very familiar flight pattern, but I must have been mistaken.'

The Prince frowned as Kazua went back to observing the students.

Very familiar flight pattern? He knew the king was talking about a dragon not a bird but he could hardly think of another dragon Kazua would've spent enough time flying with to know what the flap of their wings sounded like with such little time to catch it.


'Wait, you thought you heard Shvalos?!'

The dragon nodded his head lazily, not giving the Prince much attention as his eyes tracked Sora's every move.

'What would he be doing out here away from the Colony?'

'I don't know, it's very unlikely that he would leave. Let alone that he would be seen here of all places.'

Aiden groaned, leaning back in the saddle for dramatic effect.

'I must have been mistaken.'

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