Chapter Sixteen

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Authors note:

Another double upload, I hope you enjoy!

This is chapter 2 of 2.

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The view from the trees wasn't as good as he'd hoped. The thick snow blocked more out than leaves would have and he became very annoyed with his Soulmate for insisting they watch the Academy students this time as they met some youngling dragons, hoping to find their Soulmates.

'What's so important about this bunch of students anyway?' He thought, projecting the question to his Soulmate.

'The tiny human is here this time.'

Tiny human? Aiden thought to himself. He's never known his Soulmate to take interest in other humans. If anything he got annoyed and wanted to burn them, so this was a strange situation.

'What tiny human?'

'The small one that drew us.'

'What?' Now he was even more confused, Kazua had never told him about this. Someone had drawn them and showed the dragon?

'Who drew us?'

The dragon released an annoyed breath filled with smoke before scanning the crowd of students.

'One of the Academy students drew us, I want to see who chooses him as a Soulmate.'

Oh, it was a student.

Wait, when did Kazua meet with a student?

Before he could ask the question a confused grumble came from his Soulmate.

'I don't see him with the others...'

They both began looking through the crowd more closely, even though Aiden had no clue who they were looking for.

But suddenly the dragon perked up, looking down closer to them and humming with amusement. Aiden turned to see what had caught his eye and noticed a small lump under one of the large trees on the edge of the field.

'Can you tell if that's a person or-'

'Hold on I'm taking us closer.'

Aiden grabbed the saddle horn just before they lifted off. The dragon moved them a considerable distance and soon he could tell 'the small lump' was actually a boy sitting underneath a tree.

Upon further inspection, he realized it was Sora. The light fluffy blonde hair that fell slightly into his eyes was unmistakable, he didn't know any other of the students who had nearly white hair.

Not to mention he looked ridiculously tiny sitting under the tree.

'This is the tiny human?'

'Yes, he should be with the others. Why is he all the way over here?'

Aiden frowned, maybe this wasn't actually his class and he was just watching? He couldn't quite see his facial features from here but his body language was timid, curled into himself almost.

'Are you sure this is his class?'

'Yes, his teacher is Daniel Baker.'

'Right, right.. and he's here so this has to be his class.'

The dragon grumbled unhappily. How could he get a Soulmate if he didn't go meet all the dragons? Granted, there weren't that many here so it's possible his Soulmate isn't here. But he still should be trying to talk to them, this was their chance to learn more about dragons first hand.

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