Chapter Twenty Nine

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Authors note:

Happy holidays everyone! I hope you enjoy this double upload! Chapter 1 of 2.


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Although their position did seem to be making Sora nervous as well the boy didn't mention it beyond questioning if Aiden wanted him to sit somewhere else, to which the Prince promptly denied. Maybe a little too promptly than he should have.

It was quite obvious to him that he treated the boy very differently than he treated others, purely for the fact that he had a strong attraction to him and it was very likely someone would soon notice his favoritism.

But he couldn't bring himself to care.

Yes, carrying Sora to the carriage was dramatic when he could've walked on his own feet with the Prince's help. And it definitely wasn't in line with his character to flee the protection of his carriage to help someone that he likely shouldn't even know as much as he does.

On top of it all there were many witnesses to the whole ordeal, students and staff alike who would most definitely talk about the situation, but he just couldn't find it in himself to be bothered at the moment.

Not with the person his heart has so happily thrown his previously dormant romantic interests upon sitting pliantly in his lap.

"W-Why was the carriage stationary for so long?"

Sora's question was accompanied by the slightest of head tilts and most adorable confused expression. If Aiden wasn't already sure of his awake state from the annoyance he felt with the wide eyed onlookers, he would be pinching himself to confirm it.

"Ah, the snowfall last night was heavy enough to get in the way of the gate opening, they had to clear it away before the gate could even move."

"Ohh, y-yeah it snowed a lot last night huh.. the wind was scary.."

The last part was whispered to himself, likely not meant to reach the Prince's ears at all even though it did.

"W-Well, I'm happy my candle didn't burn out like i thought it would."

"Why did you think it would?"

"Ah.. u-uhm, well the wick is almost gone a-and I have a hole in the w-wall beside my bed that wind always sneaks into, w-with how windy it was I was sure the little wick wouldn't survive it."

A hole in the wall? Aiden thought, shocked by how casually Sora said it.

"But it did survive! So my room didn't get as cold."

The boy's happy smile almost seemed misplaced to the Prince. If he had a hole in his wall and depended on a tiny candle to warm his room he would be miserable. Surely not in the mood to smile so brightly.

"A-Ah, I see. I'm happy it didn't go out then."

Sora giggled again, this one more free and a little louder than the last.

"Wood burning candles are the best! A-Although mine is really old and sometimes it doesn't want to light,
b-but newer ones are amazing!"

"How many candles do you have?"

"Just the one."

Aiden tried not to frown and ruin Sora's good mood, but the thought of him being left without any way to warm his room was a rather bitter one in the Prince's mind.

"Is it scented?"

"N-No, the scented ones were too expensive."

"Oh, well.. what would you say is your favorite scent for a candle?"

Sora hummed quietly to himself in thought, it was in that moment of calm that the Prince felt Sora fidgeting pretty intensely with the cuff of his uniform sleeve.

"Oh! There was a herbal tea candle
a-at the shop I bought mine from and it was sooo good! I t-think it smelled spicy and I loved it."

As Sora spoke his fidgeting became calmer, not quite as rough and more absentminded.

"I see, did it have a name?"

"Uhm.. I think it was called herbal harmony, o-or something like that."

The Prince nodded, trying to think of the best way to phrase his next question without it being suspicious.

"And what is the name of that shop? I've never seen candles in the shops I go to."

"It's called Honey Wax Wood Candles. There's a picture of a bee on their sign with lots of pretty flowers."

As Sora went on to describe some of the other candles after Aiden's prompting to do so, the Prince carefully moved his hand so it was right next to the boy's hands.

Luckily Sora was distracted enough that he didn't notice when the Prince slipped his fingers underneath his own. Aiden all but held his breath waiting for the boy to notice, but to his surprise and delight, he didn't.

He simply began fidgeting with the Prince's fingers instead.

"Oh and there was a candle shaped like a leaf too..! But it didn't smell good."

Aiden chuckled as Sora's nose wrinkled in distaste after remembering that particular candle.

"What did it smell like?"

"Uhm, lik-"

Before the boy could finish, the carriage came to a halt. Sora's eyes went wide as he fell backwards slightly before Aiden's hand- that never left the boys back- caught him.

He'd grabbed onto the Prince's hand that lay on his lap, the fidgeting stopping almost as abruptly as the carriage. Aiden had never been startled with a carriage stopping before but he couldn't say he didn't jump from Sora's reaction.

"It's alright, I guess we've arrived already."

The boy's cheeks turned red from embarrassment and he quickly dropped the Prince's hand. Before he could speak a knock sounded on the side of the carriage doorway.


"We've arrived, Your Highness."

The gruff sound of his personal guards voice spoke and Sora absentmindedly leaned away from the doorway.

Aiden briefly adjusted his hands to hold Sora better before he stood up, the boy didn't react as strongly as he did last time, but he still clung tighter to the Prince.

Once they made it out of the carriage he heard the boy gasp quietly in his ear.

"Get his books and follow me."

"Yes, Your Highness."

The guard did as he was told and followed Aiden into the Castle proper.

The guard did as he was told and followed Aiden into the Castle proper

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