Chapter Six

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Authors note:

Surprise! I'm doing another double upload, this is chapter 1 of 2, enjoy.

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He found it difficult to focus in class. All thoughts went back to his teacher.

A dragon master.. that means he can talk to dragons, I wonder how many he's met over the years.
Wait, doesn't that also mean he can't have a soulmate? That's sad.. He was snapped out of his thoughts when the bell rang. Making him jump and look to the clock on the wall.

2 pm. That means he had no more classes until 3:30.

He waited for everyone to get up and leave before he stood.

"Hey, kid." He froze, turning around to look at the old man.

"Y-Yes, sir?"

"You look distracted."

He gulped, beginning to fidget with his hands. "Y-Yes, I'm sorry sir.."

"Care to tell me what's on your mind?" A few seconds passed before he decided that being honest would probably be the best option here. That, and he desperately wanted to know more about his teacher and what all being a dragon master means.

So, he tried to straighten up a bit and finally answer.

"Y-You are a dragon master."

That's... not exactly how he wanted to phrase it. Luckily though the man just gave him a raised eyebrow for a response, prompting him to continue.

"I-I saw your eyes glow earlier. That's because of t-the magic that lets you talk to dragons r-right? I-I read about it in books that dragon masters talk to dragons. A-Although the books in the orphanage weren't that great
s-so maybe it's not right.." he trailed off in the end. Not noticing the mans frown at the word orphanage and continuing to mumble and stutter words to himself.

The man cleared his throat, making Sora immediately shut up and look at him nervously.

"Yes, I am a dragon master. Yes, that means I can talk to dragons, and yes the glowing eyes are a result of the magic that allows me to commune with them. Among other things."

Sora nodded eagerly, fidgeting intensely with his fingers. "A-And that means you can't have a
s-soulmate right?"

"Yes, that's correct." It was silent for a moment as the boy took in this information. He was happy the books were correct, hopefully that means the other things in the books were also accurate. "So, that is why you've been distracted?"

"Y-Yes, sir. I-I'm sorry." The man sighed deeply, sitting down a pencil Sora just noticed he was holding.

"Well, do you have anymore questions? I'd hate for this topic to keep disrupting your learning in class."

"I-Is it true that you can still fly on dragons e-even though they aren't your soulmate?"

The man nodded.

"Yes, anyone can ride a dragon. It is up to the dragon wether or not that happens. Dragons are very proud creatures, being ridden by a human requires a great deal of trust in that human. So naturally,"

"T-They only let their soulmates ride them.. b-because that's who they trust the most."

"Correct. But it is not only about trust or pride."

Sora tilted his head slightly, trying to think of what else there could be to it.

Then it clicked.

"Their weak spots!" He basically squealed the answer in his excitement.

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