Chapter Three

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Today is the day, he thought happily. He just had to make it to the D.R.A dragon showcase, sign up to the academy and act normal back at the house.

Easy, that's easy. He made his way through the crowded streets, weaving between people and avoiding any attention like the plague.

Once he arrived at the gates to the castle he showed the guard his invitation. Momentarily panicking that it wouldn't be enough, maybe he would need to pay to get in?

But that wasn't the case. "Okay, next."
He was ushered through the gates with a small group of older ladies. They chatted happily amongst themselves.

He picked up on a few things during their walk. They were nobles, if their clothing hadn't given that away already the clear easiness and confidence they exuded would. It seemed they were there in support of one ladies son who was joining the academy.

They reached a large field that was fenced off from an even larger one. The larger one held a stage and many, many, dragons.

The humans designated area was also very crowded, with hundreds and hundreds of people chatting and waiting for the showcase to begin.

There were lots of nobles and guards. He decided to stay with the group of woman, they didn't seem to notice his presence. If they did, they weren't bothered enough to say anything about it, which he was happy with.

They walked right up to the fence line, waiting for action to start on the stage.

Sora tuned them out to look at all the dragons. There were white ones, green ones, and blue ones mostly. The common colours.

But there were also many other coloured dragons as well.

They all seemed to keep in certain groups depending on their age or status. The younger ones stayed close to each other, specializing amongst themselves enthusiastically. The warriors were everywhere throughout the groups, keeping an eye on everyone. Humans and dragons alike.

The royals were the furthest away from them, all standing tall and proud in the back of the field.

He was beyond shocked to see not only one, but two king dragons.

With the species being female dominant, male dragons are uncommon. So king dragons were extremely uncommon. Rare even.

He cursed his bad eyesight yet again when the two kings wondered farther away and became too blurry for him to see.

He was utterly fascinated by all the beautiful creatures. It truly was a shame not many people were paying them much mind. To him, they deserved all the attention.

Suddenly, a loud deep voice washed over the crowed and fields. All heads turned to the stage.

"Thank you, everyone, for coming to this years dragon showcase." The deep voice spoke, eliciting cheers and clapping from the crowd. Sora couldn't quite see who it was because of all the tall people in front of him.

So he carefully crept through the crowd, for once thankful to have such a small, slim figure. "I hope you all are very excited to see the progress the students of our wonderful academy have made over the past year and half."

Cheers erupted throughout the crowd, making a deep chuckle come form the speaker. Sora still couldn't see, so he kept moving closer to the stage. "This will be marking the 20th annual dragon showcase. For this special occasion my son has agreed to preform some stunts and tricks to get us started with." More cheers and loud whistles.

Sora finally made it through to the front and was shocked to see the King walking off the stage. Wait, he said 'my son' that means the prince is- before he could even finish that thought, a loud whoosh came from above as a shadow descended onto the stage.

That 'shadow' was actually a giant King Dragon. One of the king dragons Sora noticed earlier. Riding the dragon was Prince Aiden, the crown prince of their kingdom.

It became so loud from all the cheering and excited people that Sora had to cover his ears. People began pushing forward to see more of the show as time went on, it started getting a little out of hand.

Being so little as he is, Sora was struggling not to get squished. He was already trapped against the fence and feared if the unruly crowd pushed further it might break.

The pain in his ribs was excruciating, if they weren't already broken, they surely would be after this.

He felt suffocated by all the loud noises, lights and people.

But thankfully, before the situation got anymore out of hand a warm rush of air surrounded him and the people around backed away from the fence.

He looked around when a few startled yelps and squeals came from the crowd, only just managing to catch the final glimpses of what seemed to be dragons fire.

Some people were looking at him bug-eyed and confused, but he didn't pay them any mind and turned back to the stage to see what happened.

Only to become face to face with the massive head of Kazua. The King dragon. He was fascinated with the shiny white scales.

Big yellow eyes that could make anyone pee their pants continued to stare holes into the crowd from above him. Daring anyone to challenge his authority and stare back.

None did.

Satisfied with the outcome of his stunt, the king turned around to continue the show. Sora could've swore they made eye contact. But, if that were the case the large dragon would've continued to stare at him, expecting a challenge, and he didn't.

So the boy must have imagined that their eyes met, right?

Everyone now kept their distance from the fence, leaving Sora to admire the show without being crushed to death or smothered by all the taller people. Why am I always the shortest person? He thought, momentarily making a pouty face before the show caught his attention again when Prince Aiden stood up on the saddle and they began doing tricks like that.

He continued to admire the two beauties on the stage until the show was over. Whatever they had done to get the people away from the fence also warmed him up, it was a lot easier to focus when your toes and fingers didn't feel like pins and needles were constantly poking them.

The king walked back on stage, patting his son on the back before lifting the microphone to his lips and beginning to introduce the students of the academy that would be preforming.

Sora stayed to watch every performance, no matter the dwindling crowd when people became less interested in the more common dragons on stage. He stayed to watch them all. He felt so lucky to be this close to actual dragons.

When the last student left the stage and the king returned, so did most of the crowd.

"And with that, concludes the showcase. I hope you all are as proud of our students as I am. If you, or someone you know are looking to enroll in the academy, please go to the enrollment booth near the garden gates. Now, let the auction begin!"

Sora left to find the booth after that, not finding any point in staying for the dragon riders equipment auction. The academy would provide everything he needs to get started.

This is it. Today, he's going to become an academy student.

Little did he know,

yellow eyes followed him through the crowd.

yellow eyes followed him through the crowd

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