Chapter Fourty Three

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Authors note:

Hey ya'll! This is chapter 2 of 2 in a double upload, hope you enjoy!


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When he got to the house Sora immediately went to go to his room and put the bag away, but unfortunately Mrs. Foster was home already and saw him.


He jumped at her loud voice and turned around in the kitchen doorway, not making any effort to hide the bag since he was sure she already would have seen it. Even if she didn't it would seem strange if he put his hands behind his back.

"Where in the world did you get that?"

Her eyes narrowed and he squirmed under her gaze.

"I-I-In town M-Ma'am.."

She scoffed, crossing her arms and looking at him impatiently.

"There's no way you could afford such an expensive thing."

"I-I've been s-saving up."

"Even if that was true, why did you buy a purse?"

The boy winced at her sharp tone, shuffling on his feet uncomfortably.

"I-I didn't k-know it was a-a purse.."

The lie was a stupid one but thankfully she seemed to believe it.

"Gods, if I would have known you were that moronic we would have picked someone else!"

"I-I'm s-sorry ma'am.."

She rolled her eyes, turning around to light the stove. He took that opportunity to leave, but before he got too far away he heard her yell from the kitchen.

"Put your shit away and come help me with dinner!"

"Y-Yes, m-ma'am..!"

He hurried up to his room and made sure to hide the bag under his bed, just in case the roof fell again it was more protected under there.

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After dinner was made and Mr. Foster had gotten home they all sat down to eat, Sora going through the process of plating all their food and making sure to put the correct portions for each of them.

Something Mrs. Foster made him start doing once she realized he was capable and she could stop doing it herself. The boy stayed silent as they ate and the two adults made conversation. Mostly about Mr. Foster's work day and who all he'd found irritating that shift.

Sora finished eating first like usual since his portion was much smaller, as he went to wash his plate Mrs. Foster spoke.

"Boy, you better go fetch some water for the laundry before it gets too much darker."

"Y-Yes, ma'am."

He finished washing his plate and made his way to the front door, putting his shoes on and taking a deep breath before stepping out into the cold.

The walk to the well wasn't too bad, all things considered. It wasn't snowing right then and he at least had some light from the setting sun so he didn't need a lamp. Which was good because he didn't have one.

The walk there was peaceful and quiet, no one else was out at this time of day so he just enjoyed the peace.

By the time he got to the well the sun was more than halfway down, stars already visible in the sky though he couldn't see them. The well was standing by itself in a small clearing near the frozen creek, he worried the water in the well would be frozen too.

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