Chapter Twenty Four

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Authors Note:

Surprise double upload! Chapter 2 of 2, enjoy!


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Aiden wouldn't normally inquire about someone's interests in a book, or specific topic. But after the question just came out unprovoked he decided that he was actually interested in Sora's answer.

The way the boys face immediately lit up as he eagerly flipped through the book captured the prince's attention and then he decided that he had to know what got him so happy. After reading through the segment he realized it was actually very interesting.

"I've never heard of that, this book must have lots of things we've never known about."

He had forgotten just how close he'd got to the boy in order to see the small cursive writing in the book, so when he glanced down to look at him he found himself slightly frozen by their close proximity.

Sora's mouth was slightly open as he went to say something, but the words never came out. This close to the boys face Aiden could make out barely visible freckles across his cheeks, along with a speckling of green in his baby blue eyes, as well as seeing the heart shaped beauty mark under his left eye much better than normal.

His cheeks were flushed pink and it took everything in Aiden not to stare at his lips.

"U-Uh y-yeah.."

A small smile spread onto the prince's face as he watched Sora's eyes quickly flick around the room before returning to him.

"Since Mr, Baker isn't here, I have a question that maybe you could answer."


That seemed to pull Sora out of his flustered state enough that the boy leaned away, making them no longer mere inches apart.

"Do you know how long dragons live?"

He watched as Sora's eyes shot to the left and he hummed quietly.

"T-They can live up to ten thousand years. A-Although most tend to d-die of other causes b-before old age."

"Okay, that's good to know."

The boy's eyes found Aiden's again, it was such a small thing but every time Sora looked him in the eyes instead of avoiding his gaze- the prince got butterflies.

"I was wondering if you would be free after class today?"

"A-Ah wha..?"

The boy looked very surprised at the question and Aiden felt himself becoming nervous. Did he word that in a strange way?

"After class today, are you busy?"

Sora shook his head slowly, hesitantly, almost like he didn't know how to answer.

"Well, in that case. Would you meet me in the courtyard after class?"

Sora's eyes went wide, he opened his mouth to speak but only stuttered something incoherent. Aiden smiled and chuckled softly to himself.

"I have some free time today, I would usually go flying with Kazua but he's busy. So, uh.. I mean, I've been through the D.R.A before I could help you study?"

Great, that was so smooth wasn't it? He thought, internally cringing at the stupid excuse.

"A-A-Are you sure Y-Your, Highness? Y-You want to spend y-your free time h-helping me study..?"

"Yeah, if I'm doing something important then my father can't make me do something else. Besides, I could probably use some time to refresh my memory on the things I've forgotten."

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