Chapter Thirty Six

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'Why don't you just invite him to your room then?'

Aiden froze, his cheeks turning red from the thought of asking Sora to come into his personal space. A space not even his father visits, the air only ever disturbed by his valet.

'Invite him in and use it as an excuse to ask about his bedroom if it's that important to you.'

'W-What would I say to get him there?'

The dragon chuffed amusedly, surprised Aiden was actually considering the half joke of a statement.

'You have a candle for him do you not? Invite him there to give it to him.'

The Prince shook his head.

'But he would think that's weird!'

'Say that you want to show him your room then.'

'Why? What reason do I have to show him? What if he thinks I'm trying to show off?'

The dragon groaned, a frustrated breath coming out filled with smoke.

'You can always ask to visit his ho-'

'Absolutely not! That would bring too much attention to him and I don't want to cause him trouble.'

'I don't know what to tell you then, Aiden. Unless you want to ask the old man about his living conditions the-'

'Wait, wait that might work!'

The dragon rolled his eyes skyward as Aiden began going over how he would ask the teacher about Sora's home, surely the old man would know something he doesn't, right?

Kazua only half listened to the Prince's internal monologue as he watched the students on the field below. They had began the process of resetting their saddles back into the correct storage positions.

The dragons eyes tracked Sora as he fluttered around his saddle undoing buckles and tying back loose straps. It was after Sora lifted his saddle to rest it on the holder that the dragon noticed his pink blanket.

'Well, maybe pink is his favorite colour..'

'What? Where do you get that idea from?'


The Prince looked at Sora, not spotting the blanket until the boy lifted it off the wooden statue and folded it neatly before placing on top of his saddle so he could carry them both.

'Don't you get to pick your saddles and blankets? There must be a reason he chose that one.'

'Yeah.. yeah you do, I'll ask Mr, Baker just to make sure though.'

The dragon nodded and the two watched as the group of students parted ways from the young dragons and headed back to the stables, Mr, Baker following closely behind after he'd instructed the dragons on what to do.

I need to get my training done fast so I have free time. The Prince thought, prompting him to get Kazua moving so they could make it to the training arena.

Hopefully I'll have time to spend with Sora too.

                 -         -         -         -

It was much later than he hoped before he was done training and off to find the old teacher, the walk to his office seeming even longer than usual.

His frustration at finding it empty was exacerbated when he realized it was currently class time. Meaning neither Sora or the teacher would be available right now.

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