Chapter Fourteen

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Authors note:

Surprise! I'm doing another double upload, this is chapter 2 of 2.

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The boy jumped at the loud door shutting, he quickly put the book he was looking at back into its place just in time for his teacher to find him between the shelves.

"Here, this is your new uniform."

He was heavily handed the silk bag and instructed to change in the living room while Mr, Baker stayed in the office.

It didn't take him too long and thankfully wasn't that painful on his chemical burns. Although his ribs were still bruised from falling off the roof in September so that was painful still, as it always has been to change with that injury.

At least they didn't turn out to be broken after all.

Sora made his way to the front of the office, finding Mr, Baker sorting the stationery that littered his desk.
When the man noticed he was back he stopped what he was doing, taking a second to look over the boys new uniform and how it fit him.

Sora realized when putting it on that it was smaller than his previous one, likely something Mr, Baker requested.

That or the seamstress was trying to save materials. Although it was still quite large on his small frame, the hem of the shirt no longer reached his knees and the pants string didn't have to be pulled as tight for them to stay on his narrow hips.


The boy jumped slightly and looked up to his teacher. The old man was staring at him with a frown.

"I neglected to ask earlier. But, how did you end up in that closet?"

He started fidgeting with his fingers immediately, hesitant to tell the truth in case the old man thought he was lying to cause trouble.
But more afraid of lying.

"I-I was p-pushed, sir.."

The mans frown deepened, causing sizable wrinkles to mar his forehead and nose.

"By who? Give me names."

Sora nervously fidgeted with his fingers. He didn't speak for awhile and Mr, Baker crossed his arms, not backing down in the slightest.

The boy took a deep breath.

"S-Sasha and M-Matthew, they're
t-third years."

"Sasha Winchester?"

Sora nodded.

"Matthew Douglass?"

Sora nodded again, wanting to back up from his angry eyes.

"I will deal with them, but you make sure to let me know if they keep bothering you, alright?"

The boy froze. Of all the possible scenarios he didn't expect this one at all.

Mr, Baker waited for awhile before repeating "Alright?" and Sora nodded hesitantly.

The man then sighed, checking the time before he stood from the desk chair and wondered through the office, motioning for Sora to follow as he went.

They walked into his small living space and he made a beeline straight to the kitchen. He began rummaging through the cupboards and Sora stood awkwardly in the middle of the room, not knowing what to do.

"Are you allergic to anything, kid?"

"Uhm.. n-no, Sir."

Mr, Baker nodded to himself, pulling out a few cans of food and an opener before turning to face Sora.

"Have a seat kid." He motioned to one of the three barstools at the small kitchen island and the boy quickly walked over to take a seat, only struggling a little bit to get on the tall stool.

"Here, you open these for me."

He placed the cans on the island and handed Sora the opener, briefly explaining how to use it before walking over to the stove to get it lit.

Sora made quick work of the cans, he found it quite easy with the opener compared to how he usually had to use a knife back at the house to pry them open.

That was not ideal..

. . . .

They were relatively silent while Mr, Baker cooked.

Sora did offer to help but the old man waved it off dismissively and told him to just sit tight where he was and relax.

It was very strange.

Having someone cook for him that is. When he was very little at the orphanage the care takers did make food for the young kids, but that didn't last long for him.

All the kids were made to do chores to keep everything tidy and the care takers quickly found out that Sora was not the best at cleaning. Nor was he good at helping with repairs, so he was taught from a very young age how to cook simple meals and ever since then he had to make everything he ate himself.

No one really cared enough to cook for him anyway, if he wanted to eat he had to work for it.

So, it's very strange to have someone he hardly knows be willing to cook for him.

At first he thought the old man was just making food for himself and he didn't want Sora unsupervised in his office, which is fair. Who would trust a kid they don't know around all their important items?

But, it became clear Mr, Baker intended for him to eat as well. If him questioning what food he disliked didn't give it away than being handed his own warm bowl of chicken and dumplings certainly did.

They ate in a comfortable silence. Neither making any effort to break it, until Sora finished eating.

"So, what did you think?"

"U-Uhm.. it was very good. Thank you, Sir." The man nodded, still staring at him expectantly so Sora continued. "I've never had dumplings before. W-Were they difficult to make?"

"No, these are pre-portioned from a bag. All you have to do is mix it up and let them cook so it's very easy."

"O-Oh, that's uhm.. c-convenient."

Mr, Baker nodded. A slight smile slipped onto his face as he watched the boy swing his legs slightly on the tall stool, but it left as quickly as it came. Making Sora question if it was even there to begin with.

They talked for awhile longer before getting up to get everything cleaned, Sora asked to help clean up but the request was quickly dismissed as Mr, Baker told him to go pick a book from the library.

A wide smile spread onto his face and he happily wondered back through the living space.

The door shut quietly behind him, but Mr, Baker caught the quiet, happy squeal that left his lips as he began looking through the books.

Now out of the boys line of sight, he let a little smile dictate his features once again.

Now out of the boys line of sight, he let a little smile dictate his features once again

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