Chapter Fourty Six

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Authors note:

Chapter 3 of 3 in a Triple upload, enjoy!


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"Can you tell me what happened..?"

He was even more worried when Sora didn't answer, again. Kazua chuffed softly, pulling himself away and walking behind Aiden so he could block them from the view of the others on the field.

Just in case they looked over.

Aiden was about to try asking again when Sora turned his head to the side, taking a deep, shaking breath.

"If someone was mean to you I can deal with it."

The boy sniffled, shaking his head.

"Then what has you so upset? Please tell me, I hate seeing you unhappy."


Aiden straightened up a little as Sora spoke softly, his voice a little rough from crying for so long.

"I d-don't.. h-have a S-Soulmate.."

A deep frown marred the Prince's face as Sora began crying again.

"How do you know that? Have you talked to them yet?"

The boy shook his head and tried to bury it back into Aiden's chest. But the Prince leaned back a little, slipping his hand under Sora's chin to lift the boys head up and stop him from hiding.

The raw anguish in Sora's eyes had Aiden believing him, even though he wanted to be encouraging.

'What makes you think that, little one?'

Kazua questioned, knowing Aiden would ask it for Sora to hear.

"I-I k-know.. our s-souls don't
b-belong together.."

The boys response was confusing to Aiden. How could Sora know? It was the dragons who knew which soul belonged with them and which didn't.

But Kazua didn't seem to question Sora's judgment.

'Perhaps they just haven't arrived yet?'

Aiden communicated the question to Sora and the boy just whimpered.

"T-That m-means nothing.. I-I'm out o-of the a-academy now.."

"You don't have to be. I'm sure your Soulmate will find you and staying in the academy will make that even more likely."

Aiden gently wiped the boy's tears with his thumb. If he stayed in the academy he would be around dragons more often, that would surely give him a better chance at meeting his Soulmate.

"B-But I c-can't.."

"Who says you can't?"

"T-Teacher.." the boy sniffled.

"He's wrong. I didn't meet Kazua until 2 years after I finished in the academy."

The boy's eyes widened, his tears coming to a stop.

"B-But I'm n-not you.."

Aiden frowned.

"No, you're not."

Sora's lips wobbled as he tried to pull away, but the Prince wouldn't let him.

"You're not me. I was never as good as you are."

The boy froze, his eyes shooting up to meet Aiden's with shock.

"You have much better grades then I ever did, you know so many things already that I don't think I would've ever heard if you didn't tell me.

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