Chapter Four

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Authors note:

Surprise! This is the first chapter in a double upload I hope you enjoy! :)

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The booth was very crowded. It became obvious to him that he wasn't getting through to the front any time soon. People were pushing him out of the way with their larger bodies and he couldn't even manage to stay in line.

He got increasingly more overwhelmed as time went on. The booth would only be open for an hour or two, so everyone was trying to enroll while they had the chance. If I don't come up with something soon, I'll never get up there in time. He thought.

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He had managed to get closer within the hour of squeezing between people and weaving around bodies, but it still wasn't enough.

He only had a few minutes left and there was no way he could make it in time. He felt crushed. Physically and mentally after realizing that he had just missed the one opportunity in his whole life to become something useful. Something not hated.

Liked even..

And now, that dream was whisked away as the large church bell rung. The booth operators began turning everyone away and he was left in the middle of all the chaos, just barely managing to not break down on the spot.

But then, someone grabbed his arm.
"Get out of the way!"

He didn't have time to look up at the person holding him as he stumbled over his own feet, trying not to face plant in the icy mud. The person pulled him through the crowd and over to the booth. Then, he finally was able to look up.

"You alright kid?" The old man stared at him intensely, still keeping a firm -but not painful- grip on his arm.

Sora was speechless. Why had someone helped him?

The man frowned deeply when he didn't respond and took a quick look over his appearance, then he let go of the boys arm. Sweeping some dirt off his shoulder. "I told them this time we needed to change it. Those morons never listen to me. Hey, are you hurt kid?"

"N-No, sir." The man looked at him with sharp eyes before seemingly accepting the answer and sighing heavily. He turned to one of the booth operators and motioned for them to come over.

A young woman quickly obliged, carrying a piece of paper with her.
She handed it to the man, along with a quill. He turned back to Sora.

"So, your name?"

"I-I uh.. I'm S-Sora, sir."
He scribbled that down.

"Last name?"


He scribbled that down too. Sora wished he could see what was on the paper. But the man continued.

"Your school?"

"T-The Haynes High school."
He nodded, jotting a few more things onto the paper before handing it to the boy, along with the quill. Sora didn't have time to look at what exactly the paper was before the man pointed at a dotted line. "Sign here."

He did so without much hesitance after seeing the D.R.A logo at the top of the paper. Once he finished the man took the paper back and gave it to the young woman who placed it in a stack of other similar looking documents.

Sora jumped when he felt a heavy hand on his shoulder and looked back to the old man. "Welcome to the academy, kid."

His eyes went wide. He was allowed to sign up after it closed? No one else was, it made no sense. Whoever he is, he must be important. The boy thought. Although he had no idea why someone would help him. Especially when there was nearly a hundred others who looked way more qualified to join the academy.

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