An honest conversation

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When you woke up in the morning, you had barely had a few hours of sleep the entire night. Bucky and his super soldier serum was no joke. You were deliciously sore, and just wanted to bask in the afterglow of amazing love making from the entire night. Your stomach however, had different ideas. You had to struggle with the blankets and Bucky's strong hold on your body to rip yourself out of bed and make a rush towards the bathroom where you closed the door behind you and you raced to the toilet. You fell forward and started heaving after lifting the seat cover. You hated this part of the day, where it used to be one of your favorites. You thought about how you used to just wake up in Bucky's arms and enjoy basking in his love. Now you spent your mornings in the bathroom, missing what used to be. You heard Bucky moving in the next room while you dry heaved into the toilet. He came in a moment later in a pair of boxers and carrying a pair of panties, gym shorts and one of his t-shirts for you and set it on the counter. He made his way to you and rolled up one of the hand towels and picked you up, placing it under your knees. He then just sat down and started rubbing your back. The nausea was no joke again this morning. You rested your head on the toilet lid and you could feel your flame abilities itching to come out. But that was an itch you had no intention of scratching. Bucky waited until you seemed to be done before breaking the silence.
"Who takes care of you during the week?" he asked you softly.
"I take care of me" you rolled your eyes and tried not to chuckle.
"I should be there with you," he whispered softly.
"You are in my thoughts taking care of me just as you are now," you offered, grabbing some toilet paper and wiping your face before flushing it down the toilet. You stood up unsteadily and Bucky reached out his hands to make sure you didn't fall over. You went to the sink and immediately brushed your teeth.
"Doesn't feel like enough" he sighed defeatedly, and started picking up both of your discarded clothes from last night, going into the closet to put them in the laundry hamper. You finished brushing your teeth, and moved to slip on the blue satin panties he had picked out for you, quickly followed by the gray gym shorts and his baggy white t-shirt. You looked in the mirror and could see your nipples and some of the kiss marks showing through the thin material and blushed slightly. You came out on shaky legs and went into the closet and Bucky looked at you curiously while you reached for one of his zip up hoodies and you put it on quickly.
"It's more than enough," you finally responded. "It's temporary" you added in a whisper. You headed towards the bed and collapsed on it, in a fit of nausea.
"What's wrong, doll?" Bucky asked worriedly while watching you.
"Nausea" you simply responded, closing your eyes. You heard him go into the closet and the distinct ruffle of clothing and you opened your eyes as he came in in a pair of gray sweatpants and a matching white t-shirt. You wanted to hum in satisfaction, but you were afraid of uttering a sound, in case it would make your nausea worse.
"You need to eat something" he decided resolutely.
"No" you whined. "Tony and Bruce didn't make me go to breakfast all week" you pouted.
"I promised the pack I was going to take care of you, and that's what I'm going to do. You are eating for more than one right now" he reminded you.
"I don't want to get up yet" you pulled the blanket around you. Bucky gave a soft chuckle and came to you, bending down to give you a kiss on the cheek.
"You have five minutes, or else I'm carrying you" he warned you.
"You'll have to carry me, I'm not moving" you responded easily, closing your eyes again. You heard him leave the room and you started to drift off. A few minutes later you heard him return and he was whispering to Jasper and Snow that their breakfast was ready before he came back into the bedroom. You were fighting another wave of nausea before you felt the blanket pulled off of you and you were suddenly airborne, then snuggly being carried like a bride, being held tightly to a muscular chest.
"I don't want to" you whined again.
"You need to, doll" Bucky leaned down and kissed you on top of the head. You kept your eyes closed, but felt the distinct temperature change in the air as he moved through your suite living room and then out into the compound hallway.

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