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Supper was mainly all of both your favorite foods, and Bucky's favorites as well. All recipes were taken from your cookbooks, and they were made properly by the catering company. To your delight there were homemade dog treats, cat treats, and a four tier cake made exactly the way you had wanted it. At the top there was a small plastic bride and groom surrounded by wolves and a tiny white cat on the groom's shoulder. Wanda sat on one side of you while Steve sat on the other side of Bucky and you were all looking out at the floor to see everyone seated. You were pleased to see all of your loved ones had shown up. All of the companions had their own table where Billy was at the head of the table. They all had wet food, cubed steak, or fish.
There were a lot of cheers for the two of you to kiss, which you both happily obliged. When Steve gave his best man speech you saw Bucky blushing furiously as Steve talked about the old days before your time and how he had been such a ladies man and never thought that he would settle down. He said it took a strong woman to bring Bucky to his knees, and that you were the strongest woman he knew. Wanda's speech brought you more to tears because she talked about how you had started out avoiding everyone except her, and she had come to think of you as a sister quite quickly. How you have grown so much over the last few years. She said she knew you and Bucky were meant to be together from the beginning, and said she would never get tired of being right. You and Bucky couldn't help but share a giggle, and you told her that Cloud saw it coming too in a soft whisper when she sat back down. Treats were handed out at the same time as the cake. Even with the crowd you had, you still had two tiers of cake left. Mama made sure to box the top one with the plastic figurines for you to have for your first anniversary, but made the rest easily accessible for anyone that wanted additional cake as well.
After supper the tables were all pushed to the sides of the room, so that there was still some sitting room, however also a dance floor. A small stage was set up to the right side of the room, a band set up and started playing soft music while people chatted around the room.
"Hey baby girl!" Morgan came to the table with Penelope under his arm, using his usual swagger. You were surprised to see him in a full suit, with a pink tie that matched Penelope's outfit. Penelope's curls bounced as she moved from one foot to the other excitedly.
"Hey girly, I miss your pies" Penelope giggled.
"Oh my goodness, oh my stars!" you got up quickly from the table and made your way around You gave them both a tight hug and both gasped in surprise.
"Is that what I think it is?" Penelope's hands went to your stomach and you giggled as she rubbed it softly.
"Yes, they are coming along nicely" you giggled.
"Let me feel that" Morgan reached out and carefully touched your stomach. "Wow, I gotta admit, time really does change things" he chuckled. "Did you come up with any names yet?" he asked.
"We still have lots of time," you shook your head.
"We want to know when this happens too" Penelope announced.
"Of course" you giggled again, silently grateful you had kicked off your shoes under the table, but now your feet were getting cold. If it wasn't for the fact that you didn't want to ruin your beautiful dress, you would have used your fire abilities on your feet alone just to get them to warm up.
"You look amazing! I love the dress" Penelope cooed to you.
"Thank you" you flushed a little.
"She looks like a Queen," Morgan winked at you.
"She's my Princess," Bucky said from the other side of the table.
"You two need to come by the house sometime when Morgan isn't working. We can have dinner one night. You can bring your wolves too" Penelope offered with a broad smile on her face.
"Well, if they are invited, then I could hardly say no" you couldn't help but smile back. "Of course I'll bring pie" you promised.
"No backsies!" Penelope said quickly and pointed at you. You burst out laughing and nodded.
"I promise" you vowed.
"It's almost time for the first dance" Morgan smirked and looked at Bucky who smiled broadly.
"I still remember ours," Penelope said whimsically. "It was magical," she added.
"Our's will be too" Bucky said with confidence. You heard the speaker go off, and Steve spoke softly.
"Ladies and gentlemen... The first dance belongs to the loving couple. I give you Mr and Mrs Barnes" Steve said with a smirk.
"That's my queue" Bucky stood up and came around the table. Morgan and Penelope backed away and he took your hand and slowly led you to the dance floor. A spotlight shined down on the two of you when the band started to play "Perfect" by Ed Sheeran. Bucky pulled you in close at the hip with his left hand and held your hand with his right arm slightly bent and out to the side. Your body was touching his as he held your gaze and he started to sway and turn you across the floor. The singer of the band sounded almost exactly like Ed as he sang, but you got lost in the music and the feeling of Bucky's firm hold. It was like there wasn't anyone else in the room, while you stared into his steel blue eyes. Nothing else mattered. You were with your mate. Your lifeline. Your forever love.
"If you keep staring at me like that, we are leaving this party early" Bucky whispered to you and you giggled as your face flushed.
"But all the guests..." you whispered back. "The companions... Blue would never understand" you frowned.
"After yesterday Uncle Brad made some arrangements. He's staying with your mama until we get back from our honeymoon" he brought his one hand up from your hip and brushed your hair out of your face before it went back to your hip and he pulled on you to come in closer. You laid your head on his shoulder with your face towards him. He started humming softly and singing the words softly to you as he continued to sway you across the room. He kissed you on your forehead, and as the song ended he suddenly pulled away and put you into a turn that made you giggle. He pulled you back quickly and kissed you promisingly on the lips.
"Mama!" you heard suddenly and you looked down to see Blue come running across the dance floor with Alpine at his hind paws. You pulled away only long enough to pick up both of them as they got close. Alpine went directly to Bucky while you held Blue closely. You saw his face had already been washed and he seemed quite happy with himself. "Is the ceremony over yet? Uncle Brad said that we get to sleep with him and Soren tonight" Blue told you excitedly.
"You sure do," you giggled.
"I'm scared of the big bird," Alpine whispered.
"Soren? He won't hurt you" you promised.
"Do you promise mama?" Alpine asked.
"I swear on it" you nodded. You saw Bucky was watching you curiously so you quickly explained everything that was said. He paused for a moment and kissed Alpine on the forehead as he led you off the dancefloor.
"Mama and Papa wouldn't let anything happen to any of you. You are a part of this family and always will be" Bucky whispered to them.
"There you are pup" Cloud came over and sniffed at Blue. "I told you to stay at the table" he sassed him.
"I wanted my mommy," Blue whined.
"Come on, both of you. They are still celebrating" Cloud barked at both of them. Alpine jumped out of Bucky's hold, while you gently set Blue down who continued to whine. He hesitantly left and you made your way back to the table. You saw Tony had hired "movers" to take the gifts, and you automatically knew they were being sent to the cabin so you could open them on your own. You watched as people danced to each song as it came, and several people came up to give their congratulations and thanked you both for inviting them to the wedding. Wanda got up to go dance with Vision, and Bucky pulled you back to the floor for a few more songs. Nat danced with Bruce most of the night, but she did take the time to try to get Steve to dance as well, but he said he was still waiting for the right partner.
When it came to throwing the bouquet, all the women got into the center of the room and waited excitedly. Nat caught it and held it like a trophy and you couldn't but smile at the look on Bruce's face. It was like his mind was already made up and he had decided a while ago that he was going to ask her to marry him.
For the garter it was a bit more of a show. You were sitting in the middle of the dance floor and Bucky was dancing and crawling across the floor to get to you, but both Steve and Uncle Brad kept grabbing him by his legs and pulling him back to the edge of the room. Bucky finally got tired of being pulled away from you and he sprinted across the room and went under the skirt of your dress. He kissed the inside of your thighs before grabbing the light blue satin garter with his teeth and he slowly slid out from under your skirt. You couldn't help but laugh at how silly he was being. He threw the garter into the crowd and Vision caught it and seemed a little perplexed. Wanda just went over and kissed him softly on the lips and told him she would explain it later. He just smiled like he was the luckiest man alive and nodded.
Both you and Bucky took the time to say goodnight to all of the wolves and little Alpine, promising to see them soon, and being careful not to put a timeframe on it. Mama seemed to understand that you didn't want to leave, but she gave you a playful swat to remind you that you had to go and that a limo was waiting for you outside. You rushed to make sure to try to say goodbye to everyone. Bucky soon was pulling you by your hand and the two of you rushed out of Compound C holding hands. You didn't bother telling him Cloud's warning that he would bite him if he didn't bring you back in one piece. You got to the limo and the limo driver was already waiting with the door open. Bucky helped you with your dress and you crawled into the back seat and he chuckled as he got in right behind you. You heard the music playing loudly outside and thought this really was the perfect day.
"Are you ready for this?" Bucky asked as he settled in beside you and the door closed behind him.
"What if they need us?" you asked worriedly.
"Your truck and keys are already at the cabin, and we are a phone call away" he gave a soft smile. "They will be okay," he assured you.
"I love you" you said to him with a smile on your face.
"Oh Mrs. Barnes, I love you with my whole heart" he leaned in and kissed you softly on the lips.  

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