Sam's tears

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Four pups, two boys and two girls. Four pups brought Sam to tears, and you saw how adoring he was over the four newborns. You knew Sam was going to have a hard time deciding on what pup to bring home. Thankfully that decision was left to Melody and Cloud. Cloud looked insanely proud of himself, and Melody was glowing in her own way, and seemed to be at peace for the moment as she fed her babies. The excitement had lasted most of the day, and mama ended up taking over the kitchen with Uncle Brad for cooking. Billy and Soren had managed to help Snow and Jasper keep Blue occupied who was overly excited to see the new pups coming. The four of them even asked for the door to take him outside to play for a bit in the freshly fallen snow.
Uncle Brad had the forethought to bring extra fish for Soren so at mealtime he had something to eat. You were too exhausted to get up, so Bucky had carried you to the table and you sat on his lap and he ate around you while you nibbled on your meal. Mama tried to get you to eat more, but you just wanted to sleep, much like Melody was already doing. After supper Bucky just picked you up again and carried you into the bedroom and tucked you in. Snow jumped into bed with you, while Jasper chose to keep an eye on Blue and stay with Billy and Soren.
When you woke up in the morning, it was to the smell of food cooking, but Bucky was still holding you close to his body with Snow, Jasper, Alpine, and Blue surrounding you. You groaned as you moved and Bucky just pulled you in tighter. You turned in his arms and gave him a soft peck on the lips before wriggling out of his hold. You went and changed your clothes before heading to the bathroom first, then you went to the kitchen to see mama and Uncle Brad cooking a feast while Sam was asleep on the couch close to Melody, Cloud and their pups.
"Mama? Uncle Brad?" you asked in confusion.
"Good morning songbird" mama came over and gave you a kiss on the cheek.
"What are you doing here?" you asked after kissing her back on the cheek.
"We shared one of the rooms upstairs. Steve and Clint shared the other room" she quickly explained. "I called Tony, he was fine with it" she added and went back to flitting around the kitchen.
"How are you feeling today? You went through a lot yesterday" Uncle Brad looked at you knowingly.
"I'm a little sore, but I think that's Melody. I'm just tired as usual" you gave a soft smile. "I'd better wake up the others and take them out" you said, seeing that the pack had stayed in bed with Bucky.
"Stay here pup, I'll take care of them" Billy slid by you, his tail wagging as he walked. "Up and em!" he yelled and the three of you jumped while the rest of the humans in the house were blissfully unaware. Blue came bounding out of the bedroom, bright eyed and bushy tailed, with Snow and Jasper behind him. "You can sleep, Alpine," Billy said in a softer voice and came back out of the bedroom. You went over and opened the front door and Cloud nudged Melody to wake up. She groaned and looked up. The pups were all sleeping so she got up and looked back at her pups a few times before she went outside. She was only a few minutes, and you stood guard at the door leaving it open. She came back in while Cloud had guarded their little litter, and then he rushed out the door. You saw that Soren was teasing Blue from the skies, and Billy was trying to get everyone to move around and get their morning business done. It wasn't long until Cloud came back in and rejoined Melody. You finally closed the door and jumped as Uncle Brad whistled loudly, yelling "Chow time" to the entire house. You stayed by the door and watched out the window for everyone to come back.
"What time is it?" Sam asked groggily.
"It's already seven thirty" Uncle Brad said with a smirk on his face.
"Man, I thought I'd get to sleep in" Sam sat up on the couch and reached down to pet Melody and Cloud. He saw you standing by the door and watching the window anxiously. "What's wrong? Is she kicking again?" he asked.
"No no, she's sleeping I think. I'm watching the rest of the pack outside. Blue is having fun with Soren" you gave a small smile.
"Doll?" you heard Bucky call from the bedroom.
"I'm right here" you called back and he came out in just his sweatpants. He walked right towards you and wrapped his strong arms around you and held you close for a moment. You leaned your head against his chest and closed your eyes with a sigh.
"What are you doing out here? You'll catch a cold standing by the door like this" he sassed you.
"I"m fine baby, I'm just watching them play outside" you explained.
"Go get your slippers on. For me, please" he gave you his puppy eyes and you instantly melted.
"I'll be right back" you gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Watch the door for me" you added as you started to walk away.
"I'll stay right here" he promised and you hurried into the bedroom. You put on your slippers and heard both Steve and Clint coming down the steps. You took a moment to pick up Alpine, before making the bed and you came back out. Mama and Uncle Brad had the table set, and the plates of food put down on the floor for the wolves, Alpine, Billy, and Soren. They put two large plates over by Cloud and Melody so they could eat at their own leisure. You set Alpine down by his dish of food.
"Good morning" you smiled at both Clint and Steve.
"Good morning, your new bed up there is crazy comfortable" Clint complimented you.
"Yeah, thank you for having us" Steve chimed in. "Did you notice we put up the painting for you?" he asked. You looked at the spot on the living room wall and smiled.
"It looks perfect" you cooed. Bucky opened the door and everyone came back in quickly and shook off by the door.
"Grab a seat" mama told you, and you nodded, heading to the table. Bucky quickly came and joined you and you sighed as he reached over and held your hand tightly for a moment before giving the back of your hand a kiss. You smiled adoringly at him and he winked at you.
"Dig in" Uncle Brad said and he and mama took a seat and you looked around a little bashfully at all the food made. Bucky quickly piled your plate high before doing his own and then passed around the dishes.
"Now I don't want you to worry about a thing. We already washed all your new china you got for your wedding gifts, we have everything put away. After breakfast we are headed back, and you can go on to enjoy your honeymoon" mama smiled.
"I think we will be a little busy for now mama, we have four more little ones now" you gestured to where the pups were sleeping.
"That's when you call your mama if it gets to be too much. I can babysit while the two of you get out for a little bit" mama offered.
"Or your good old Uncle Brad" uncle Brad added with a wink. You giggled but focused on your food, giving a noncommittal nod. Bucky rubbed your back with one hand while eating with the other, almost as if he couldn't stand not touching you. You appreciated it, because you felt the same way too, and figured he was getting that signal through the bond.

After breakfast Steve, Sam and Clint cleaned up all the dishes while you rested on the couch with Bucky, mama and Uncle Brad. The pack were all seemingly quiet for now. The pups were feeding and Sam came over once he was done to coo over the four small pups.
"Don't forget to call uncle Sam if you need me" Sam told you.
"Of course" you giggled.
"We had better go" Steve looked at the time on his watch.
"Yeah, it was great being here for that" Clint gave a quick smile.
"Thank you for being here," Bucky nodded. "Feel free to stop by anytime," he added. Everyone gave hugs and kisses on the cheeks before suddenly the house was nearly empty of humans. Bucky pulled you to lay down on the couch beside him and you snuggled in, your stomach sticking off of the side. Blue was paying attention to one of his stuffed toys, while Alpine was laying on Bucky's side. Cloud and Melody were curled around their nursing pups, while Snow and Jasper were curled up on the loveseat together.
"Our little pack" Bucky rubbed your belly meaningfully.
"It's just going to get bigger," you warned him.
"I hope you aren't just talking about your belly" he kissed the back of your neck.
"You want more than one?" you asked.
"With you? Is there even a question?" he asked. "We will need to even out the numbers with so many wolves in the house" he chuckled.
"I can handle three" you offered.
"As long as we get one boy, then we have to keep trying," he smirked.
"Okay three or more" you giggled as he started kissing you on the side of your neck and continued to rub your stomach in circular motions.
"That's my girl" he cooed. "What do you think of names?" he asked.
"Mama always said she didn't want a baby named after her. So I was thinking Winny Rose, or Rebecca Rose" you said with a small smile.
"You want to name them after my family?" he asked, clearly touched by the notion.
"Your family is my family. I"m just sad I never got to meet them" you nuzzled back into him.
"I like Rebecca Rose," he decided.
"We can start decorating the nursery for our little Rebecca Rose Barnes then" you sighed happily.
"When did you want to start?" he asked a little mischievously.
"We could start online shopping" you said, pulling your phone out of your pocket. "We do have two places to decorate for" you added, while feeling a tug of anxiety.
"Shh... Don't worry. We will have it all covered" Bucky reassured you and peppered soft kisses on your cheek. "Can I paint this nursery pink though?" he asked and you giggled with a nod of confirmation. He gave you a loud kiss on the cheek and pulled you in even more. The two of you then spent the morning looking at nursery ideas on your phone.

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