There and back again

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For the next few days things had remained fairly quiet. You and Bucky had stayed close to home to keep an eye on Melody and Cloud's new litter of pups while at least once daily taking a small walk through the woods together. Blue enjoyed the walks through the snow, as did Snow and Jasper. You had this eerie feeling you were being watched, but when you looked around you didn't see anyone. You did spy the new fencing was all set up and already all around your property. You saw the tell tale pawprints of wolf paws along the fenceline, and you silently hoped that it was the shadow wolves exploring the rest of their new territory. One thing that you could say, was you were missing your quality one on one time with Bucky. Everytime the two of you went to bed, Blue and Alpine were there. Neither you nor Bucky felt comfortable being intimate in front of them. You had a few hot make out sessions, but it always ended in a cold shower.
When you woke up Tuesday morning you could hear Bucky already in the kitchen and he sounded a little grumpy. The two of you could feel the sexual tension in the bond, and you knew he was nearly at his limit. You couldn't help but giggle at his reactions. You wanted more private time too, but soon that wasn't going to be a possibility.
"Blue, no! You need to wait for your breakfast. And stay out of the bedroom. You know why" Bucky sassed Blue.
"I wanna see my mama!" Blue barked at him. You got up and opened the bedroom door and scooped Blue up in your arms before walking down the hallway to the kitchen and you saw Bucky was just finishing up setting the table.
"God, we didn't wake you up did we?" Bucky asked, looking worried as you came into the room.
"No, I woke up by myself. The hearing "I want my mama" exclaimed got me to get up just a little faster" you giggled.
"He's not listening," Bucky pouted.
"He's a growing boy," you reminded him.
"He keeps trying to play with Alpine, and they get too close to the pups" he sighed, sounding exasperated.
"We do have a full house" you acknowledged.
"I want to just see them," Blue whined.
"You can't play with them yet, Blue," you told him. "They are just babies. They don't even have their eyes open yet. Just like when you came to live with me" you cooed to him and gave him a kiss on the end of his nose. "Did you know what happened when you came to live with us?" you asked him.
"No," Blue whimpered.
"Me and your papa took care of you and protected you then too. So did Melody, and Cloud and the rest of your uncles and aunts. We wanted to make sure you grew up big and strong. Now look at you? You're getting so big so fast and you're pretty strong. The babies still can't talk for themselves. You need to wait, okay?" you said softly, speaking slowly to make sure that he fully understood what you were saying.
"Alright mama, I'll listen to you and papa," Blue sighed.
"And?" you asked.
"I'm sorry papa" he added and you smiled.
"Good boy" you kissed him on top of his head. "Look at that, he said he's sorry papa" you smiled at Bucky.
"You are forgiven" Bucky finally gave a smile. "I'll put the plates down so you guys can eat" Bucky finished up and put the plates with steaks with them on the floor. "And we have to go grocery shopping," Bucky warned you.
"I had a feeling that was coming" you rubbed your stomach after setting Blue down on the floor so he could go eat. Bucky had put Cloud and Melody's dish over close to them so they could eat on their own. "We need a babysitter," you sighed.
"We need a babysitter for a whole night doll, this is driving me crazy" he closed the distance between you and he kissed you softly on the lips, but you knew it had a deeper meaning.
"We will start with the day" you giggled. "But I agree, we could certainly use a good night together. Maybe at a hotel" you wiggled your eyebrows at him.
"Now you're talkin" he grinned.
"What's for breakfast?" you asked.
"Well I'd like it to be you" he growled and you burst out laughing. "Eggs, sausages, cottage cheese, strawberries, and toast" he gestured to the table.
"My darling husband certainly knows how to take care of me" you cooed and went to sit down. Bucky pulled out your chair for you before you had the chance to do it yourself. You sat down in the chair and he pushed you back in. You thanked him softly and he sat down next to you and the two of you ate in silence.

"Twenty weeks, you are growing too fast. You started at a normal rate, but this is beyond comprehension" Doctor Cho said as you were laying on the bed and she was doing the ultrasound. "At this rate, we will have to have you on bedrest before long. Is there any change in your symptoms?" she asked, taking out her tablet. One of her nurses kindly took the wand and continued to let you see your little baby that was quickly forming on the screen.
"Hungry more often, and tired a lot" you said, trying to think off hand what else there could be.
"We have been keeping up with going for walks regularly," Bucky advised her. "She insists"
"It's probably a good thing. Exercise is good, but I want you to try to stay close to home. Keep an eye out for dizzy spells" Doctor Cho warned you.
"I've had a few of those," you frowned. "I read that it was normal though" you added.
"How bad have they been? What were you doing when you got them?" she asked.
"It's been random, nothing necessarily specific brings them on. I mean, just taking a shower brings them on" you admitted.
"Maybe try to stick more with baths for now, and stay close to home. If there's a change, I'd like to know about it right away. We need to keep a close eye on this baby" Doctor Cho warned you.
"This baby will just be the learning experience. The next one I'm sure we will be more equipped" you chirped as you saw Rebecca Rose move in your womb. You could feel it happening, and you were watching it happen. You were still in awe of her.
"We already know we want a few" Bucky smiled proudly.
"I'll keep my notebook ready" Doctor Cho sighed. The nurse got a good position on the baby and she hit print five times for you and you giggled. She took one copy and put it in your file, while handing you the other four copies. You cooed looking at them and handed them to Bucky who carefully folded them and put them in his shirts front pocket, making sure not to damage the image.
"Can we come in yet?" Wanda called from outside the office doors.
"Quickly! They still have her on the screen" you called back and Wanda rushed in with Vision and Pietro behind her.
"You don't have to tell me twice" Pietro joked as he came close.
"Oh she's beautiful!" She's getting so big" Wanda cooed.
"I think she's sleeping" you sighed happily. "She was moving not that long ago," you added.
"Look at this belly! I can't wait to have one" Wanda smiled at you.
"It's getting harder to put on my shoes and boots," you complained.
"That's why you have me, doll" Bucky said lovingly.
"Is there anything else you haven't told me?" Doctor Cho asked you, still jotting down her own notes.
"My fire wants out more often. It's hard to keep it in" you said a little sheepishly. "I was going to ask Tony to let me borrow the training room for a little bit today"
"Only if it's supervised, and I want it recorded. We need to check the baby afterwards to make sure it's not hurting her" she said quickly, seeming a little worried about this new information.
"I'll talk to Tony after" you gave a small smile. The nurse stopped the machine and helped clean you up. You went to pull up your leggings but Bucky beat you to it with a smirk on his face. You couldn't help but giggle as he reached down and smacked you softly on the butt.
"Blue, Jasper and Snow are still in the living room in case you were concerned. Scott seems to be enjoying himself as Blue is looking for additional attention now" Vision advised you.
"Thank you Vision" Bucky nodded to him with a smile, and he guided you out while Wanda got up on the table.
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" you asked Bucky as you got into the nearly deserted hallway.
"Quickie in the bathroom?" he asked hopefully.
"No!" you burst out laughing. "Well... it is a good idea" you decided. "I was wondering what that wonderful smell is" your feet were ahead of your brain.
"Smells like chocolate" Bucky followed your lead.
The two of you ended up in the kitchen where mama and Uncle Brad were in the middle of making some pies. Three of them were chocolate peanut butter cheesecake. You already had your mind set that you were taking one of them home.
"What are you two up to?" mama chuckled as you took a forgotten stirring spoon and licked the cheesecake off of it.
"Helping?" you asked.
"Off with you" Mama laughed. "We will be making lunch shortly, and you don't want to miss that" she advised with a wink. You hurried out and headed to the living room with Bucky on your feet. Sam, Scott, Steve, Clint and Tony were sitting in the main living room with the wolves and looked relaxed. The balcony door was open so a chill ran through the room. Bucky grabbed one of the throw blankets and threw it over your shoulders for you to stay warm.
"How did it go?" Tony asked expectantly.
"Twenty weeks" you gave a small smile as Blue ran to you, but out of nowhere the door was kicked fully open as Brutus came barrelling into the room and stopped at your feet.
"There you are!" Brutus said at the same time as Sam, however Brutus sounded a lot more worried.
"I've been looking for you. They are back and they are headed this way" Brutus told you and you felt the flames licking at your skin. Blue yelped and jumped back as everyone jumped to their feet.  

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