The Chase

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One incident can change someone's entire perception of one thing.

The day that Soobin lost his dad to a robbery gone wrong, he knew he wanted to be a law enforcer to protect people so no one else would end up like his father. He was young, no fifteen-year-old should lose their parents but he did and it broke him for a while. It hurt even more when the police couldn't put away his killers and they soon went off the grid.

Soobin knows his entire life may have been different if his mother wasn't so sweet and taught him right, if he didn't have such a soft heart, or if he had lost both his parents. He knows that there was a chance for him to go a darker route and get revenge on the people who took what was important to him. He chose not to let that feeling consume him and now he's South Korea's best agent and has taken down hundreds of the country's biggest and most dangerous criminals.

Well, all but one...

"STOP RIGHT THERE!" Soobin yelled as he ran behind his target.



Choi Yeonjun, age 22, was number two on the most wanted list. He's robbed more places than Soobin can count, he'd rob you blind before you could say anything. He was extremely smart, skilled in fighting, and shooting, and not to mention extremely handsome.

Soobin had been chasing him the day he started and he always found a way to slip through his fingers.

Yeonjun took a sharp turn down an alleyway and Soobin was so sure he was blocked in. He quickly followed and saw a glimpse of him running inside the building, the back door wasn't closed all the way. He went in after him and saw Yeonjun standing on the other side of the room.

"We should really stop meeting like this Agent Choi."

Soobin was out of breath. "Fuck you, you made me run." He rubbed his chest.

"Do you need a minute, I should probably go and-"

"Nice try. Door locked?" Soobin asked as he closed the door behind him.

"Unfortunately." He answered with a smirk.

"That's too bad, you're under arrest for...for a lot of felonies."

Yeonjun laughed. "Under arrest huh? Fine then." He put his hands up showing that he didn't have anything. "Come and arrest me then agent."

Soobin gave him a skeptical look as he slowly walked forward. He had his hand on his gun ready if Yeonjun tried anything, he got to him and grabbed his wrist turning him around and handcuffing him.

"This is too easy." He thought to himself.

When he turned him around he was met with that same sly smirk.

"Shouldn't you search me? The thing I stole could very well still be on, or I could have a weapon agent Choi."

Soobin glared at him and then started to search him. He ran his hands down his sides, checked his pockets, and then knelt down to run his hands over his pants legs.

"There's nothing on you." He said as he looked at Yeonjun who was smiling down at him.

"Oh." Soobin rolled his eyes and got up. "You have very nice hands." He said as he walked him out.

"Shut up."

"You enjoyed that admit it. I think you spent a few extra seconds on my back pockets."

"You wish."

Yeonjun had stolen a flash drive with top secret information from a government building, Soobin was the first one on seen and now that he was thinking about it...

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