The Fight

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Taehyun and Beomgyu were getting ready for work together the next day when Taehyun noticed a bruise on his shoulder.

"Baby, what happened?" He asked quickly checking him.

Beomgyu looked and gasped. "Oh um, I fell down the stairs yesterday. It's nothing baby I'm fine I promise." He kissed him. "And maybe when you get back home we can have a little alone time Hm?" He asked as he groped Taehyun throw his pants.

His fiancé lets out a shaky sigh and smirks. "Why not now?"

Beomgyu laughed. "Maybe because you're about to be late."

"You're worth it."

"No Taehyun go." He says with a laugh, when he turns around he feels Taehyun smack his ass and he squealed. "Hyunnie!"

"Just a quickie I swear." He says as he quickly chased him.

"No Taehyun hahaha stop it you're gonna be late. I swear if you get fired-T-Taehyun h-hold on I-aah~"

When Taehyun finally got to work Soobin saw the smile on his face and he rolled his eyes.

"So that's why you were late?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about." He says as he sat down practically glowing in his seat.

"Did you even take a shower after, you smell like you fucked him?"

"Funny that you mention that because you look like someone who got laid last night. You're practically glowing."

"Taehyun shut up." He gave him a folder. "Boss has us on a new assignment so read your files in the car and let's get going."

He got up and followed him out.

"Dude, why do we have to go speak to a criminal? One of the biggest ones at that?" He asked.

"We need information and if we can convince him to give that to us then we can shut down a lot of this high-intelligence crime from people like Yeonjun and Jet. The crime rate already jumped up a lot when Yeonjun showed him. He alone brought the percentage up six percent due to the places he targeted and-"

"We get it you admire him," Taehyun said with an eye-roll.

"I do not Taehyun."

"You sure? Because you really sound like you are from the way you are talking about him."

"I'm just giving you a rundown because you got here late. Maybe find a better time to stick your dick in your fiancé."

Taehyun shot him a glare but couldn't hide the blush on his face.

"You're just jealous because I'm happily in a relationship. You should really settle down...get a new job maybe. Not in this line of work. Have a family before you get too old."

Soobin thought about it. "...when I see you and Beomgyu I can't help but think that I want that."

"Do you?"

"One-day Taehyun but not now. I'm at the height of my career, the chief is putting us on bigger jobs now. I feel like I need to do more and maybe one day I'll try out the dating thing but I really don't have time."

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