The Doubt

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Double update as promised

"And then he just left and came back so late. I didn't wanna wake him this morning and ask questions but it sucked you know?" Taehyun explained as they were driving to do a drug bust.

"Oh yeah, I definitely know," Soobin said with an eye roll. "Wait didn't he say he works at a bank?"

"Yeah, why?"

"He left late at night and banks close so early. What would he have needed to do that late at night for a bank job?"

Taehyun thought about it. "I...I don't know."

"What time did he leave?"

"It was maybe around 10 at night. Why?"

Soobin had a confused look on his face as he was driving. "Didn't Yeonjun leave around that time too?"

"Bin you just missed our turn."

"S-Sorry, I'm just in my head." He kept driving and then glanced at Taehyun before shaking his head a little.

They got to the scene and of course, the house was filled with drugs. It was in the walls, the fridge, and the floorboards, the police dogs were going crazy in there.

"This is enough drugs to run a gang," Soobin said as he looked at a few men they found hiding downstairs. "So who's all this for?"

"We just delivery, we ain't got nothin' to do with no shit like that." One of them said.

"It seems like you are already in the shit aren't you?" Taehyun spoke as he knelt down. "And I don't see any of your buddies you work for trying to bail you out of prison. Because that's where you all are going for a very long time gentlemen. So who's it for?"

They wouldn't talk.

"If you cooperate I can get it reduced. So who's it for?"

He stared at one of the men who seemed to be breaking under pressure.

"He goes by the name of Yoongi!"

"Dude, are you fucking insane?" The other yelled. "You just killed us! He's gonna fuckin' kill us!"

"I can't go back, I-I-I-I won't. I'd rather die, he can fuckin' kill me I don't care! But these, these weren't for a good deal. No no no, he wanted to get back at a rival gang for setting him up."

Taehyun uncuffed him. "Tell us more."

He lead them downstairs and showed them a box and opened it. "This might look like coke, it looks real, and the texture is perfect almost identical. He was gonna sell this fake stuff to him, once their buyers realize it's fake. They would be over. In our line of work, that's something you'd get killed for. There's plenty of people for that job, like Yeonjun, or the black fox, or jet!"

"The black fox?" Soobin asked. "He's new."

"She." The man corrected.

"First female assassin we've got," Taehyun said.

"She's been around for a while but many think she's a myth y'know? Anyways, Suga is your guy for this."

"Who is Suga?"

"He runs one of the many locations. He's under the boss."

"Who's the boss?"

"No one knows, I don't even know his code name. As far as it goes he's, well nobody."

Sogeun showed up and looked around. "What's going on down here?"

"Our friend here had a lot to say about the fake drugs that were going to be used for a drug deal by someone named Suga." Soobin explained.

"Suga." Sogeun slowly nodded while staring at the men. "Do we have anything on him?"

"No sir."

"Let's start the file. I have a feeling we'll be seeing him again. The next time you run into Jet or Yeonjun, bring it up and make them talk."

"Yes sir."

They soon left and put the guys in police cars.

They got back to the station and Taehyun took their new information to the computer team.

"Let me know if you find anything about the name." He said before heading to his desk.

"Why did chief wanna talk to the guy?"

"Who knows," Soobin said. "This case is really getting to him. It would get to me too if I knew assassins were after me."

"I really wanna catch these two," Taehyun said. "I want Beomgyu to feel safe."

Soobin thought about the situation with Beomgyu and looked at him. "He's at work right? You should go visit him."

"He said his boss was strict."

"I'm sure he could make an exception for a government agent. Go surprise him, get him flowers or something, or pick up lunch."

"That's nice but I don't know where exactly he works. He said some bank next to a school."

Soobin sat down and looked up all the banks in the area near a school and there was only one.

"Found it, I'll send the location."

"Oh, thanks." He smiled. "He's gonna love this."

Soobin gave him a soft smile. "Absolutely." But on the inside, he had a weird feeling about the situation.


Taehyun followed the GPS as he talked to Beomgyu on speaker.

"You're at work right?"

"Yeah, I'm getting coffee from the break room."

"Okay great, hey I gotta go, my boss is calling."

"Okay, I love you."

"I love you too. Bye." He hung up and parked his car in front of the bank.

He walked inside with his takeout, ready to surprise his fiancé. He went up to a woman who greeted him with a smile.

"Good afternoon sir, how can I help you today?"

"Hi, I'm looking for Choi Beomgyu. He works here."

The woman looked confused. "Is he new?"

"No, he's been working here for a while now. He said he was here getting coffee in the break room."

She giggled a little. "I wish we had a coffee machine, sounds like whichever branch he works at I should be working there."

Taehyun was confused. "I just got off the phone with him. This doesn't make any sense."

"I'm sorry sir, we don't have anyone here with that name."

He ended up leaving and went back to his car and sat down for a while. He just stared straight ahead trying to figure out why he would lie about him. Taehyun having worked as a behavioral analyst, he was going through every reason that could make sense to him.

"Beomgyu's never shied away from me, he can't be ashamed that doesn't make any sense he's one of the most confident people I know. If he doesn't have a job he knows I would have no problem taking care of him. So why would he..." His voice faded and he drove back to the facility. He walked inside, throwing the food in the trash on his way in.

He went to his desk and Soobin looked at him.

"That was quick. How was it?"

Taehyun sat down in front of him. "...he doesn't work there."

Soobin stared at him and could see the way his eyes seemed to stare off.

"What are you thinking?"

Taehyun slowly turned his head to look at him. "Nothing." He went back to working and Soobin didn't say anything else.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*


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