The Mistake Pt. 1

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This is part one make sure you read part 2 after this for those who didn't read Dragon Fruit
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Soobin walked to his boss's office with an annoyed look.

"What is so important that it couldn't wait until after my day off? Couldn't Taehyun take this one?"

"Shut the door Agent Choi." His tone threw Soobin off, he looked more serious than usual.

He closed the door and sat down.

Soobin gave him a look. "Yeonjun?"

He hummed.

"What's the assignment?" He asked.

He gives him some papers. "There was raid at some rich gangsters mansion. It was a blood bath and someone there was killed who seemed to have some importance to Yeonjun." He showed him a picture of a young man laughing with others over drinks. "This is the son of that gangster who is secrets partners with some government officials. If his son gets killed a lot of money from the government gets cut. They want us to end this now."

"So I'm gonna be babysitting?" He asked with an annoyed look.

"I prefer, keeping an eye out. He's having a party tonight and you know how rich kids are. There will be a lot of people, I'm sending you and a few other agents there to catch him."

"You think he'll really try and do something with all of those potential witnesses?"

"Yeonjun is no fool. He'll figure out a way to get him completely unnoticed. Can we finally put this case to rest?"

"Absolutely." He stood up and bowed before leaving.

When the night of the party came Soobin hated the fact that he had to get dressed up and try to match the crowd.

"Why do you look so mad?" Taehyun asked. "Your favorite rival is here, you should be excited about finally catching hin."

"I hate that I have to wear these fucking clothes. I look stupid."

"You look hot." Taehyun said. "If I weren't engaged and in this line of work I'd definitely hit on you."

"Very funny, don't let Beomgyu hear you say that."

"Yeah he'd beat my ass." He watched the guy flirting with multiple girls and making out with random people. "Gross. Maybe he deserves to get killed."

Soobin laughed and looked around before spotting him.

"I see him."

"It's about time, it's been an hour." He groaned. "Your mic good?"

"Yeah, he's on your right at 4 o'clock."

Taehyun discreetly glanced over his shoulder and saw him. Black hair done nicely as he wore a black button, a few buttons undone with a gold chain and tight black ripped jeans. His sleeves were rolled up and he could see that expensive gold watch on his wrist from a mile away.

"He kinda looks like your type yeah?" He teased. "You like a good chase."

"Taehyun shut the fuck up and focus." He snapped before walking around to see from a better spot. He found a lone table and sat down while not making it obvious that he was watching him.

"Still see him?" Taehyun asked over comms.

"Yeah, he's getting a drink at the bar."

Soobin smiled at people who walked by to look more natural and then when he glanced back up he was gone.

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