The Woman Pt. 2

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"Where's Beomgyu?" Yeonjun asked as he walked into Hongjoong's room.

"He went on the Ijun mission."

"He did what? That idiot could get himself killed, why did you let him go?"

"Seonghwa authorized the mission. I didn't know until I got here. Trust me I voiced that it was a bad idea as well, but you are also notorious for doing dangerous missions when you aren't in a good headspace."

Yeonjun turned and left to find Seonghwa. He found him in the computer room and ran over to him.

"What's going on?"

"I lost contact with Beomgyu ."

"You WHAT?"


Beomgyu ducked and punched Ijun before she stumbled and did a back kick to his face, he stumbled and then she punched him once more in the face and then gut knocking the window out of him. He gasped as he fell to his knees. He weakly went to grab his knife but she kicked it out of his hand.

"Awww look at you." She kicked him again and he fell to the floor coughing. "Weak," she kicked him again. "Pathetic," and again. Beomgyu rolled over as he spits the blood out of his mouth. "How would you ever protect your precious Taehyun when you come to this so easily?"

She grabbed a fistful of his hair and made him look at her. "I wanna keep you alive so you can watch the last moments before I kill your fiancé."

Beomgyu glared at her and quickly hit her arm and grabbed his extra blade from under his pants leg and cut her face. She screamed and got up staggering back, shocked to see the blood on her hands when she touched it. He kicked himself off the floor and smirked.

"Oh, I'm sorry doll, I'm sure it won't leave a scar."

"I'll fucking kill you."

"I'd like to see you try." Before they could attack each other again, Beomgyu could hear the sirens.

"Took them long enough." She scoffed with an eye roll.


Ijun put her hands up and stepped back. "I don't want you getting captured just yet. Why don't you scurry along, we'll see each other very soon." She winked at him.

Beomgyu glared at her as he walked by and quickly went to the elevator, he pulled his mask on before stepping inside and taking the elevator downstairs. He leaned on the wall and exhaled gently.

"Beomgyu can you hear me?"


"Shit Beomgyu what happened? I kept calling you but you couldn't hear me."

"Ijun, that bitch is crazier than her dad." He groaned a little as he held his side. "Fuck, she can fight too."

The elevator opened and he stumbled out and hid as police ran past to get upstairs. He waited until they were gone and snuck out through the back.

"I need a ride."

"Yeonjun is on his way."

"Fuck that, I don't wanna see him."

"Well, that's too damn bad." Yeonjun ran towards him. "I'm here now you fucking idiot so deal with it."

He put his arm around him to help him walk and carried him to the car before they quickly left. Beomgyu fell asleep on the way back and Yeonjun had to carry him inside.

He didn't have any life-threatening injuries so they let him rest and didn't call the doctor. Yeonjun stayed by his side as he slept.

"You feel guilty don't you?" Hobgjoong asked as he walked in.

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