The Exchange Pt. 2

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This is part two make sure you read part 1
( ^ω^ )

"Hey Jet!" Taehyun said walking behind him. "I'm not letting you out of my sight. With one phone call, I can have this entire place swarmed in a matter of seconds."

He stopped walking and looked at him. "So there are more?" He asked and Taehyun could hear the smirk on his face. He touched his ear. "Hyung they have backup!"

Yeonjun heard him and looked at Soobin.

"You have backup with you?" He asked and Soobin looked both confused and surprised. Yeonjun smiled. "Looks like I have to go."

"Hey stop!" Soobin heard Taehyun yell, when he turned his head to see his partner chasing after Jet, Yeonjun also ran.

"H-Hey!" He ran after him. "This is agent Choi, all units shut this place down!" As soon as he said that multiple men ran out around corners with guns pointed while cars surrounded the place.

Yeonjun ran into an abandoned building a few houses down and Soobin ran in behind him.

Taehyun was chasing Jet in a loading dock nearby and lost him due to the cargo. He slowed down and took his gun and waited for any sounds.

He heard a small thud and pointed his gun up seeing the shadow of a person looking at him before running.

"Damn it!" He ran over and climbed up on the cargo using nearby boxes and saw Jet running. "Stop!" He yelled and ran after him. He jumped from each cargo container before he lost his balance and screamed as he fell.

He felt something grab his arm and he looked up seeing Jet holding him. He could've sworn he saw a glimpse of fear in his eyes before he pulled him up.

"Y-You saved me?"

Jet didn't say anything and grabbed his gun throwing it.

Taehyun sat up and went to punch him but he dodged and they both quickly got up.

"This should be fun." Jet says.

"Going to prison for the rest of your life sounds fun?" Taehyun asked.

"You seem really sure you'll capture me Agent Kang, but I assure you. I'm not someone who's easy to catch." He runs at him and Taehyun blocks his blows and dodged to the best of his ability but this guy was fast. He ended up grabbing his arm and flipping him onto his back with a loud thud.

Jet groans before he grabbed Taehyun and flipped him over and onto his back and climbed on top of him. Jet throws a punch that stops inches from his face.

"Why didn't you hit me?" Taehyun asked.

"You're cute. I wouldn't want to bruise that handsome face of yours."

Taehyun turns bright red. "I'm engaged to a wonderful human."

Jet laughs. "Yes, you've said that already."

"W-Well I'm still taking you in."

"No, you're not." Jet gets off of him. "Bye Agent Kang." He jumps off the cargo container and Taehyun runs over to look but he was already gone.

"Damn it."


Soobin looks around for Yeonjun in the abandoned building and doesn't hear anything.

"Yeonjun!" He calls. "Yeonjun?"

"Is something wrong agent Choi?" He hears him ask but he still can't find him.

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