The Need

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"Taehyun knows about Suga ssi. Some idiot who got caught started talking. We need to get to him." Beomgyu said to Yeonjun as they were helping on the computers for Hongjoong's mission.

"Where is he?"

"At his agency."

"Well, you're the only one who can get in without a problem. Everyone knows my face."

"Well, I can't just walk in asking about the guy talking about Suga. Taehyun isn't supposed to discuss these cases with anyone and little does he know he's discussing it with the person he's after."

Yeonjun turned on his mic. "Hongjoong the door on your right is unlocked go through there and take the stairs to the left to the fifth floor." He muted himself again. "If you get in and slip away maybe we can keep them busy."

"Busy how?"

Yeonjun started thinking and then perked up. "We'll call in a favor from someone who definitely owes us one. He'll keep them busy and I'll shut off the cameras to give you enough time to get to the holding cells."

"I don't know Junnie."

"It's our only chance. Taehyun and Soobin can not try and bust this meeting, you know what Suga will do and I'm the only one who knows you're engaged to a cop. A cop who's put away a lot of our friends."

"We broke them out," Beomgyu murmured.

"But still Beomgyu. It's gonna be hard for people to accept the fact that you're dating the enemy. If anyone finds out if our boss found out. He'd kill us all."

Beomgyu looked away from him and felt himself fidgeting with his hands. This was all getting too close, his two worlds were starting to clash and it felt like everything was starting to break and reveal itself.

"Don't worry," Yeonjun said. "I got your back Beomgyu."

He smiled gently at him. "Thank you Yeonjun."

Hongjoong's mission was successful and he returned an hour later back to the warehouse. Seonghwa greeted him with a big grin.

"Someone is happy to see me." He said as he walked over to him.

"I'm happy to see you are in one piece."

Hongjoong grabbed his waist and Seonghwa smacked his shoulder.

"Not in front of the others you dimwit!" He snapped through his teeth as he shoved him away.

Hongjoon smirked and slapped his ass.

"Hongjoong!" He shouted.

"You two are gross," Yeonjun spoke up and then his phone vibrated. He looked at it and the corner of his lips twitched up before he cleared his throat. "I gotta go."

"And where are you going?" Beomgyu asked with his arms crossed over his chest. "You seem a little eager."

"I ordered myself a new gun."


"I don't have time for this." He started to leave.

"Tell him I said hi!" He called.

Yeonjun flipped him off as he got on his motorcycle and sped off.

He parked it about two blocks away from his destination and walked the rest of the way. He climbed the fire escape and knocked on the window.

It slowly opened. "You know I have a door right?" Soobin asked.

"Sometimes I like the window." He climbed through and Soobin closed it. "Missed me?"

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