The Call

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Suga had finally called Yeonjun and Beomgyu about the meeting. While the two were getting ready together silence, Yeonjun decided to break it.

"What happened on the mission? What did Ijun say to you?"

Beomgyu didn't say anything.

"I get that you're mad at me, but can you be mad after you tell me what happened?"

Still nothing.

Yeonjun sighed. "Forget it."

"You know, you can't just say whatever you want and expect people to be okay all the time." Beomgyu spoke. "You know how I am about Taehyun yet you always take it there because you know you'll get a rise out of me. That's fucked up Yeonjun I never did that to you."

"But I wasn't trying to be mean I swear. Beomgyu I genuinely worry about you. You're doing so much for someone who doesn't even love the real you. How can you be okay with living a lie for the rest of your life?"

Beomgyu laughed a little and shook his head. "You didn't get it Yeonjun. You'll never get it because you've never had a relationship like the one I've had with Taehyun."

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me Beomgyu. You only know what I tell you and despite being my best friend you still don't know everything. So how about you stop assuming." He grabbed his guns and walked out of the room.

Beomgyu finished up and grabbed his two guns as well and went to the car where Suga was waiting.

"You two have been doing this a long time so I don't think I need to give you any talk. But you'll know when to shoot right."

"Yes sir." They said in unison.

"Let's go." They got in the car and the driver took them to a restaurant. The owner would close for things like this if paid well, he always turned the other way and didn't bat an eyelash at what happened.

They walked inside and the Purple Dragons were already there waiting.

"Early bird catches the worm." The leader Byeongcheol said as Suga sat down and Yeonjun and Beomgyu stood at his sides.

"It doesn't matter how early you are, if someone really wants something they'll take it. By any means necessary." Suga responded as a waitress came over and gave them both wine.

"Is that a threat?"

"Let's not do this hm Byeongcheol? I have your drugs, do you have my money?"

"It's always straight business with you. Why don't we chat a little?"

"Talking isn't my thing." He said as he lit a cigarette.

"Please don't smoke around me."

Suga kept eye contact as he brought his cigarette to his lips before exhaling the smoke out. Byeongcheol rolled his eyes took a sip of his wine.

"I don't like you."

"The feeling is mutual." Suga responded. "Let's hurry this up."

Yeonjun held the briefcase in his hands. Byeongcheol looked him up and down before looking at Beomgyu.

"Jet and Yeonjun right. A guy who's very bold and confident, and another who's discreet and hides behind a mask. Both very cute though."

Yeonjun and Beomgyu grimaced at his words.

"You should lend me them. I'll throw in extra money."

Suga smirked. "You know, if I wasn't trying to seal a deal with you I'd let them handle you."

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