The Mistake Pt. 2

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Soobin went home to his apartment that night after filling out all the paperwork. He got to his door and saw it was already open.

He took his gun out the holster and quietly entered his apartment shutting the door behind him. He walked inside listening for any movement, he was about to look around the corner when something suddenly grabbed his wrist and snatched the gun out his hand tossing it.

It was dark, but the light shining in from his windows showed that same sly smirk.

"How do you know where I live?"

"A magician never reveals his secrets agent Choi."

Soobin went to punch him but he dodged and kicked the back of his knee causing him to fall. He quickly kicked his right leg out making Yeonjun fall as well.

He pulled his leg so Yeonjun was underneath him. The male lifted his legs flipping Soobin off of him before kicking himself up.

Soobin quickly got to his feet as Yeonjun ran at him. He blocked another punch before grunting when Yeonjun got a hit in. Soobin pushed him into the wall pinning his arm behind his back.

"Do you have a death wish?" Soobin asked.

Yeonjun smirked and quick switched their positioning so he was pinning Soobin to the wall.

"I like when things are exciting."

Soobin got out of his hold and punched him before kicking him in the stomach. He hit the floor but got up quickly just for Soobin to throw him against the wall again.

Yeonjun screamed out in pain and Soobin grabbed a kitchen knife.

"No fair." He pouted.

Soobin smirked and picked up another knife throwing it at him. Yeonjun didn't flinch nor move when he did and the knife got stuck in the wall right next to his head.

He pulled it out and looked at it.

"Your knives are dull."

"I need new ones."

Yeonjun ran at him and swung the knife but Soobin leaned back and grabbed his arm and kicked him again. Yeonjun elbowed him in the face and got out of his grasp and pushed him against the counter putting the knife against his neck.

"You should buy new knives then."

Soobin cut his cheek and Yeonjun gasped and touched it seeing the blood.

"They seem to work pretty well to me."

Yeonjun glared at him before he went to stab him again but Soobin dodged and bent him over the counter.

"Someone looks a little angry." He laughed and then knocked the knife out of his hand.

"We'll sees who's laughing when I gouge your eyes out of your head!" He got free and grabbed his arm that had the knife and twisted it. Soobin yelled out and dropped the knife, Yeonjun tackled him to the floor and went to punch him but Soobin blocked.

He grabbed a fistful of his hair and pulled.

"Aah!" He screamed as Soobin pulled him to the floor.

"I would've thought you'd be into that."

"Not when you're trying to rip my fucking hair out!" He yelled at him and then kicked him him in the chest before standing. "I thought you were supposed to help people. You are just like the rest of them, controlled by money and power."

Soobin looked at him and could tell that he was really angry about not being able to kill that guy.

"That's not me."

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