The Argument

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They got back to the warehouse and took the guy to a random room.

"To make sure you don't go flapping your gums to anyone else, you'll be staying here for a while until we know what to do with you," Beomgyu said and closed the door locking it behind him.

"So what's the plan?" Yeonjun asked. "If we tell Suga he'll kill him and probably torture him before he does it. We can't take him to the police because of Sogeun so now what? We just keep him locked up like a prisoner?"

"I don't know but right now it's better that he's here than there." He looked at the time. "Taehyun thinks I'm home but I have a feeling he'll be tied up at work later than usual. I wanna go after Sogeun's daughter tonight."

"You are sure about this?"

"I'm more than sure. I'll do what I need to, to protect Taehyun."

Yeonjun sighed. "Are you really doing this for Taehyun?"

Beomgyu paused for a moment and looked at him. "Excuse me?"

"It's keep saying you're doing this for Taehyun but I get a feeling you want revenge for what Sogeun did to you. You are putting everyone in harm's way."

Beomgyu shoved him. "Don't you ever question what I do for Taehyun!" He shouted at him. "When have you ever done something for someone else and not for yourself?"

"I do things for you all the time Beomgyu! Last time I checked, I'm the reason you haven't been caught yet!"

"You admitted it yourself. You're jealous because you don't have a Taehyun and you never will because you would never sacrifice yourself for someone else!"

"You know what? Fine, go get yourself killed over someone who would never love the real you!"

"Tell me something I don't know!" Angry tears ran down his face. "You think I don't know he'd leave me if he found out? I would lose everything and I know that! Taehyun is the only thing Yeonjun...he's the only thing that makes me feel human and normal. Without him I'm nothing and if I have to kill and torture people to make sure my happiness is kept safe. I will do it." He pushed past him and Yeonjun sighed.

"Beomgyu sounds crazy when he says that."

Yeonjun looked up and saw Hongjoong. " much did you hear?"

"All of it." He smiled. "Let's go for a smoke."

They stepped outside and Hongjoong lit Yeonjun's cigarette for him.

"Thank you." He muttered before inhaling deeply.

"I've had my suspicions about who Beomgyu was with romantically. I found out it was Agent Kang after overhearing a previous conversation of yours."

"Are you going to tell anyone?"

"Of course not. I have secrets of my own worth protecting. This life isn't my only one and like Beomgyu my other life makes me feel normal. I feel sane, I feel love, and we don't get that often in this line of work."

"I don't need love or someone to make me feel normal. I already feel normal, I already feel sane."

"Not everyone is like you. Beomgyu was tormented for the majority of his life by a man who enforces the law. Meeting Taehyun in such a dark spot in his life and being pulled out into the light again means more than anything to him. That man is his heart and I worry if anything goes wrong and something does happen to Taehyun...he might become worse than you."

Yeonjun stared down at the ground.

"You do know the heart is very important right."

"If you are brain dead it doesn't matter if your heart is still beating. You're already gone."

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