The Inner Demons

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TW: Drug abuse + attempted suicide

"Let go of me!" Yeonjun yelled.

"You're such a jealous bitch!"

"I'm not jealous you asshole!"

Beomgyu had a tight grip on his shirt while Yeonjun tried to pry him off. He threw a strong right hook that connected with Yeonjun's cheek.

"Aah Fuck!" He cursed, shoved him back, and did a back kick hitting him in the chest.

Hongjoong came out to see what the noise was about and saw the fight.

"Dude what the fuck is going-ooooo fighting!"

"Who's fighting?" Wooyoung asked. "Oh."

"My money is on Beomgyu," Seonghwa whispered with a smirk.

"Shouldn't one of you break them up?" Wooyoung asked. "They're gonna get hurt."

"Just five more minutes," Hongjoong said with an amused smile.

"You're just mad because you know I'm right!" Yeonjun yelled.

"We'll see who's right," he pulled out a switchblade. "When I carve out your eyes!"

"Okay, that's enough." Hongjoong snatched it out of his hand and picked him up, putting him on his shoulder.

"Carve put my eyes? You can't fight to save your life, how's that busted lip for you?"

"Say that to your swollen cheek!"

"Dude, Yeonjun, you okay?" Seonghwa asked.

"'M fine fuck off." He left and took his motorcycle out for a drive.

Beomgyu got back home and Taehyun wasn't there yet. He tended to his lip and couldn't help but think about all the things Yeonjun said.

He shook off the thoughts and decided to go to bed much earlier than usual.

Yeonjun found himself at Soobin's place despite the agent still being at work. He picked up the lock to his apartment door and smashed the alarm when it started going off. He walked around and helped himself to whatever was in the fridge. He ended up just settling on a cup of ramyeon and ate it as he walked around.

He looked at the pictures of him, Taehyun, and Beomgyu around his home. He couldn't help but smile a little, they all looked so happy.

He kept looking around and went to his room and saw a picture on his bedside nightstand that he had never noticed before. It was a picture of him when he was younger and two older adults that he assumed were his parents.

That large dimpled smile was plastered on his face and Yeonjun stared at it.

"You'll do great things one-day Yeonjun, you'll-"

He dropped his food and gripped his hair. His eyes screwed shut as he tried to get their voice out of his head. His face flushed with red and the headache came almost immediately.

"Damn it!"

He went to his bathroom and dug in his medicine cabinet grabbing anything he could get his hands on. He opened them and started taking multiple pills at once. This was nothing new for him. Overdosing, and drug abuse, it was all the same. He hadn't died yet even if he tried, it's like the universe wanted him to suffer on this pile of dirt.


"You two head out early today. I'm gonna head down to the prison and figure this shit out."

"Good night chief." They bowed to him and started to grab their things.

"I get to see my baby early today. Maybe he's hungry, we could do dinner." Taehyun said with a smile.

Soobin chuckled and then look at his phone seeing the alert he got from his alarm.

"Well, you two have fun tonight. I'm in a rush to take a hot shower and hug my bed."

"I bet, see you tomorrow!"

"Yeah, see you!" He waved as he left. He went to his car and quickly got home.

"Yeonjun?" He toed off his shoes and looked around. He went to his room and noticed the spilled ramyeon but didn't see him. "Yeonjun?" He noticed the bathroom light was on and he slowly walked inside. "Yeon-shit! Yeonjun!" He dropped to his knees and saw Yeonjun unconscious on the floor. "Hey what did you do?" He slapped his face gently. "Yah! Yeonjun!"

He looked at the pill bottles and panic settled in. "Damn you, YEONJUN!" He yelled.

Soobin took out his phone and quickly called someone. "Come to my apartment it's an emergency! Someone overdosed please come quickly!"

After a few moments, he heard a knock at the door.

"I got here as fast as I could."

"This way."

They went to the bathroom and the person froze.

"Is this-"

"Hueningkai not now just please help him."

"Right, okay." He got down and did the best he could with his limited resources. "He'll live, but there isn't too much I can do. Just watch him overnight."

"Thank you, thank you."

Soobin picked him up and took him to his bed. Hueningkai watched them and then cleared his throat.


"Promise," he turned and looked at him. "Swear on your life that you won't tell anyone about this. Promise me!"

"I...I promise but what are you thinking? If someone does find out do you know what would happen? You'd get fired and maybe put in jail for keeping this a secret. You're playing with fire."

"I know I know, I don't even remember how it started but it was an accident and now I just..." he sighed. "Believe me, whatever this is doesn't get in the way of work. I'll still arrest him one day this is all just a misunderstanding a-and a mistake."

Hueningkai slowly nodded. "Right." He murmured. "Well, I gotta go. I still have to finish my shift at the hospital."

Soobin hugged him tightly. "Thank you again, Hyuka. So much."

He flushed red a little. "Yeah whatever it was nothing. Just don't get killed by this guy. You can't trust him, no matter what's going on."

Soobin nodded and walked him to the door. When he left, Soobin got cleaned up and lay in bed next to Yeonjun. He stared at his face while he slept and could tell he had been crying. He slowly lifted his hand to touch his face but then he stopped and retracted it. He sighed and got up to clean the mess and went to sleep on the couch.


Taehyun entered his home and immediately went to see his fiancé who was fast asleep in bed. He took off his work clothes and climbed in next to him, that's when he noticed the cut on his lip.

"Beommie." He gently shook him. "Baby."

"Mmmm." He groaned a little.

"Baby, what happened to your face?"

"'M fine, I just cut it." He slurred out tiredly. He moved closer to him. "Hold me."

He smiled at him and wrapped his arms around his body. "I love you so much, baby."

Beomgyu smiled gently. "I love you too Tae."

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'(*゚▽゚*)'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

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